Christmas 2005

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Thenext morning Megan and Joseph got up with the twins at 7am and didthe feeding routine then Joseph took them to let them play on thefloor while Megan went and started breakfast. Over the forty-fiveminutes it took for breakfast to be ready everyone else had gottenup. Megan called everyone to the table and Joseph and Rachel put thetwins in their high chairs. Megan gave them their sippy cups andpuffs and everyone else ate.

Thekids took off to their room and the adults took the twins to theliving room. Megan and Joseph let the twins down to play and askedtheir parents to watch the twins while they took their shower. Theysaid they would so Megan and Joseph went to their room and grabbedtheir clothes then took their shower. When they came out theirparents took turns. They did the feeding routine at 11am then laidthe twins down for their nap.

Meganand Joseph needed to go to the store for the next day and they askedthe parents if they wanted to go. They said, "No, we'll stayhere but you guys go while the twins are napping" Rachel said.They said okay and went to their room. They got their shoes on andMegan grabbed her purse then they left for Winn-Dixie. They got thethings they needed and some extra stuff so that they would have foodfor the next two weeks. They went home and everyone came out to help.They took everything into the kitchen then Joseph put it away whileeveryone else went back to the living room. Kristen said, "I seeyou got a fence installed around the pool. It looks good." "Yeahwe got it because we couldn't take the twins out to play in the backbecause of the pool and now we can" Megan said.

Theytalked until Joseph was done. Joseph joined the conversation and theytalked until 3pm then Megan and Joseph went and got the twins. Theydid the feeding routine and let the twins play until 4:30pm theneveryone got dressed to go out to dinner. Megan, Rachel and Kristenwere wearing sparkly silver dresses and black dress boots, Haley andKatie had the same dress that was silver with sequins and black dressshoes. Joseph, Christian, Jacob, David, Jason and Tim were allwearing black dress pants, forest green shirts and red ties. Oncethey were all dressed Megan set up her camera and they did a familypicture. Megan and Joseph put the twins in their seats and they gotin the cars then headed to 310 Park South for dinner. They ate dinnerthen headed back to the house.

Theygot back to the house at 7pm and Megan and Joseph changed the twinsclothes and diapers then did the feeding routine. Once they were donewith their bottles Megan and Joseph put them in the pack-and-play.They called the older three out and Megan asked, "Do you guyswant to help set up the Christmas tree?" Katie and Jacob got allexcited and said yeah over and over. David just nodded. Megan askedTim to stay with the twins while everyone else went to get the stufffrom the garage. They brought everything in then Joseph pulled outthe tree. He set it up and he and Megan got the lights on it. Meganlooked over at the twins and they were standing looking over the sideof the pack-and-play at the tree. Megan and Joseph started pullingout ornaments and they all started putting them on the tree. Meganwent and hung the wreath on the front door.

Meganand Joseph had gotten new pictures done for Christmas and had threeornaments that had the year on them. One had a picture of the twins,one had a picture of Megan and Joseph and the third had a picture ofall four of them. Kristen saw them and asked, "When do we getcopies?" "We can give them to you now if you want"Joseph said. Megan went to her room and got the pictures they setaside for both sets of parents and her camera then went back to thefront room. Megan handed the moms the pictures. They had David watchthe twins and the adults carted all the presents except the ones fromSanta inside, making fifteen trips, and put them under the tree.

Everyonesat down and Megan handed her mom the camera and asked, "Mom,can you take pictures of the twins' reactions to the tree please?"She said sure then Megan and Joseph took the twins out of thepack-and-play and set them on the floor. They went straight for thetree. Megan and Joseph were right behind them. They stood in front ofthe tree for a minute then Haley moved forward and reached out. Shegrabbed at one of the ornaments. She held it in her hand for aminute, looking at it, then reached out to hand it to Megan. Megantook it and put it back. Christian did the same thing then they wentfor the presents. Christian picked up a small box and passed itbetween his hands then set it down and went to the other side of theliving room to play with the toys. Haley hit one of the presents afew times then went to play with the toys.

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