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Thenext day, June 13th,they got up with the twins at 7am. They fed them then gave them theirbottles and let them play on the floor. Megan went to pump and whenshe was finished she cleaned up and went back to the living room.Megan and Joseph put the twins in the pack-and-play and went to eatsome cereal then went back to the front room. They had rehearsal at11am again now that Joseph didn't have school anymore. Cadence wassupposed to be out by 10:30am. She came out at 10am and said goodmorning then went to the kitchen to make her own breakfast. Meganwent to pump and cleaned up. Megan was done by 10:30am. They saidgoodbye to Cadence and kissed the twins on their heads then left.

Theytook the Mustang and went to the studio. When they got there theywent inside and warmed up. They did their three hour practice withthe guys and left. They stopped at McDonald's and got lunch. Whenthey got home they said hello to Cadence then asked her if they couldgo to the gym. She said to go ahead. Megan and Joseph went downstairsand did their circuit then went back up and took their shower. Whenthey were both dressed Joseph brushed and braided Megan's hair andMegan pumped.

Shetook the bottles to the kitchen, put the milk away and cleaned up.Then they went out to the front room. As soon as the twins saw themthey came up to them with their arms up. Megan and Joseph picked themup and said hello. Joseph went and sat in the chair and Megan sat infront of the chair between his legs. They played with the twins for afew minutes then let them down. Megan got up and sat in Josephs lap.Megan kissed him and said, "I love you." "I love youtoo, Baby" Joseph said. They sat together talking to Cadenceuntil 6pm then Joseph went to make dinner. Megan and Cadencecontinued to talk until he called them for dinner. Cadence and Megantook the twins and put them in their high chairs.

Josephfed them until Cadence was done then she switched spots with him andfinished feeding them while he ate. When Megan and the twins weredone eating Megan and Cadence took the twins to the living room togive them their bottles. When Joseph finished eating he cleaned upthe kitchen. When the twins were done with their bottles, Megan andCadence put them on the floor and Megan went to pump. Joseph wentinto the living room when he was done with the dishes and Cadencetook off to her room. Megan took the bottles to the kitchen and putthe milk in bags in the freezer then washed the bottles and put themback with the pump.

Shewent to the front room and sat on Joseph's lap. They watched T.V. fora while then around 9pm they put in a movie. After the movie theytook the twins to their high chairs and fed them then Megan gave themtheir bath while Joseph got their towels and sleep-and-plays out.When they were done in the bath, Megan and Joseph wrapped them intheir towels and took them to their changing tables in their room.They put a diaper, lotion and a sleep-and-play on each of them thenthey kissed their heads, laid them in their crib, turned on theirglow light and left the room.

Theywent to their room to change their clothes then Megan pumped whileJoseph laid on their bed to read. When Megan was done she took themilk and put it in bags in the freezer then washed the bottles. Shetook the bottles and put them back with the pump then laid on thebed. Joseph put his book on the nightstand and laid on his back.Megan curled up next to him with her head on his chest. They talkedfor a few minutes then went to sleep.

Onthe 24th,the day before the concert, they had a really intense practice. Theygot up at 7am like normal and fed the twins. They gave them theirbottles then let them play on the floor while Megan pumped then madebreakfast. She made pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast. She knocked onCadence's door and told her breakfast was ready. Megan went into theliving room and helped Joseph put the twins in the pack-and-play thenthey went to the kitchen and waited for a minute or two until Cadencecame out. When they were done eating, Cadence offered to do dishesand Megan and Joseph went to the front room and took the twins out ofthe pack-and-play. When Cadence was done with the dishes she wentinto the living room and Megan and Joseph got ready to go.

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