Um Shit!

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Overthe next two weeks they got the confirmation of everyone coming. OnDecember 12th,they went and did the premarital preparation course then got themarriage license. They purchased the bridesmaids and groomsmen gifts.When they got home the twins were napping so they ate then pulled outthe laptops and Megan sent out e-mails to the limo company, catererand florist with directions to the Lakeside Reception Hall and sentthe directions to the hotels to the limo company. Joseph printed outa sheet that had five circles and eight squares around the circles.

Theyset the computers aside and wrote everyone's name on either pink orblue sticky note and started to arrange the tables. They also got allthe final payments ready so they could mail or hand them in. Meganwent back on her laptop and went to the bookmarked pages for thedresses. She called her mom and asked what size Katie and Jacob were.She wrote down the sizes and talked for a few minutes before sayinggoodbye. She ordered the dresses to be shipped by the 16th.She shut down her computer and they laid on the bed and cuddled untilthe twins got up.

At3pm they got the twins up and did the feeding routine then let themplay on the floor. They had decided to write their own vows so Meganwent and locked herself in the bedroom and wrote what she wanted tosay. She already knew what she wanted to say so it was just wordingit correctly. It only took about an hour then she saved it in apassword protected file and shut down her laptop. She went back tothe front room and let Joseph go start his vows. He was in the roomabout an hour and a half then came out and played with Megan and thetwins. Megan called the salon and talked to the lady that was doingthe girls' hair and makeup to confirm the time and place. Megan alsoscheduled a fitting for the dress on December 28th.

The16th,while the twins were napping, Megan and Joseph finished theirChristmas shopping. They had Cadence's gifts wrapped at the storealong with a few others. They put everything in the garage and wentinside. Cadence was in the kitchen feeding the twins. Megan andJoseph kissed their heads, Joseph offered to take over feeding thembut Cadence said, "I got it but you can make their bottles."He went to do that and Megan went to pump. When she was done shecleaned up and went into the living room to see Joseph and Cadencegiving the twins their bottles. She sat in the chair and talked tothem.

Whenthey were done Megan and Joseph took them and changed them then tookthem back to the front room. They got on the floor and played withthem. After about ten minutes there was a knock on the door. Meganwent to answer it and saw it was UPS. She signed for the box and tookit to the living room. She opened it and pulled out the dresses. Shechanged Haley into hers and saw it was a little long. "We'regoing to have to get it shortened a little. I'll take it to the sameseamstress I used for my dress." Megan took the dresses to thetwins' room and hung them in the closet then went back to play withthe twins.

About5:30pm Joseph went to start dinner. At 6:15pm, he told Megan thatdinner was ready. Megan took the twins into the kitchen and put themin their high chairs while Joseph told Cadence dinner was ready. Theygave the twins their sippy cups with milk and some puffs then ate. Bythe time they were done, it was 7pm so they did the feeding routinethen took the twins back to the living room and let them play. Theyplayed with them for a while then sat in the chair and watched T.V.At 11pm they did the feeding and bathing routines then kissed theirheads, laid them down, turned on their glow light and left the room.

Theywent to their room and Megan turned on the Ipod and turned thespeakers up. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around herwaist. He slid his hands up under her shirt and scratched down herabs, getting a moan. She turned in his arms and put her arms aroundhis neck. He leaned down and kissed her, asking for entrance after aminute, which she gladly granted. They kissed for a few minutes thenhe started moving her backward toward the bed.

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