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Thenext day was Sunday and their families were leaving. Megan'sfamilies' flight was at 2pm and Joseph's families' flight was at2:30pm so they were all leaving at 1pm. Megan and Joseph got up at7am with the twins and did their feeding routine then put the twinsin the pack-and-play and Joseph made breakfast while Megan pumped.When she was done, she cleaned up and helped Joseph with breakfast.By the time they were done and the table was set everyone else wasup. They all sat down to eat. When they were done the kids took offto the room and the adults went into the living room. Megan let thetwins out of the pack-and-play and put them on the floor.

Theysat and talked for a few minutes then decided to go to the park butthey were going to drive so they could leave from there to go tolunch then the airport. Joseph packed the diaper bags and put thetwins' bowl of cereal, jar of peaches and bottles in there whileMegan pumped. Rachel and Kristen put the twins in their car seats andgot ready to go. Joseph, David, Tim and Jason loaded all their bagsinto the van, Megan cleaned up, everyone got in the cars and theyleft.

Whenthey got to the park they all got out with Megan and Joseph carryingthe twins and diaper bags and Rachel had the blanket. The older threetook off to the playground and Jason followed them. Rachel laid theblanket out and Megan and Joseph put the twins on it and put a few oftheir toys down. They let the twins crawl around for a while then setup their food. They sat them on Megan's lap and Joseph fed them. Whenthey were done eating, Joseph cleaned their faces with a baby wipeand took Christian.

Theygave them their bottles then let them crawl around for another fewminutes. They got the kids together and got in the cars heading toJack-in-the-box. The twins fell asleep on the way there so Josephtook the stroller out and they snapped them into it. They went in andate then sat and talked for a while. At 12:30pm they got back in thecars and headed to the airport.

Whenthey got there Joseph got the stroller out and he and Megan snappedthe twins in. Jason and Tim went into the airport to get carts. Whenthey came back, they loaded their bags onto the carts and doublechecked the van for anything they left in it then they all walkedinto the airport. They went to the car rental counter and returnedthe van. Megan insisted on paying for the car just like she hadinsisted on paying for the plane tickets. After that they went tocheck in, then to security. Everyone said goodbye.

Meganpicked up Jacob and hugged him then picked Katie up and hugged her.Joseph came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye.Katie held her cheek and looked shocked. She blushed. Megan put herdown and she walked away. Everyone else laughed at Katie. Megan andJoseph watched their families go through security and go around acorner then left. They had to stop by Walmart and get some stuff.They got what they needed and went home. They took the twins insidethen went back out for the stuff. Joseph unloaded the stuff whileMegan set up the twins' next feeding then went to pump.

At3pm Joseph got the twins out of their seats and into their chairs. Hewas finishing feeding them when Megan came out. She cleaned up as hecleaned their faces. They took the twins to the front room and sat onthe love seat then gave them their bottles. When they finished, Meganand Joseph changed them then put them on the floor. They got down onthe floor and played with them for a while before Joseph went to dohis homework in their room. Megan worked with both of them onstanding as she had been for the past week and a half. She stood themnext to the coffee table with them holding on to it. They would standthere for a minute then let go and sit back down but they weren't aswobbly.

WhenJoseph was done with his homework he went back into the living roomand Megan went to the love seat to call Cadence. She just wanted toremind her that they needed her again starting the next day. She saidshe'd be there at 2:30pm like normal. They talked for a few minutesand hung up. They played on the floor with the twins until about 5pmthen Joseph went to cook dinner. When it was done Megan put the twinsin the pack-and-play and they went to eat. After they had cleaned up,they went back to the front room, got the twins out of thepack-and-play and put them on the floor. They played with them until6:45pm then they put the twins in their chairs, Joseph made theirfood and Megan went to pump.

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