Chapter 1

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I was alone in a new place, new town, new school, no friends. I get a call its my best friend, Bri. She knew why I had to leave my home. She was the only one I trusted with my secret but I was careless and let it show. I answer the phone "Hey Bri, what's up?" "Hey Rave. I just wanted to see how you're doing." She sounded kind of upset. "I'm alright, I miss our old house. I feel really weird not being there anymore." It was true. That house was all I had left of my dad before he died. "I know Raven, I'm sorry. I wish I could have helped. But people talked." "Hey, I have to get ready for school. I'll call you tomorrow Bri." I said feeling worse. Bri is the only person I want to talk to right now. "Ok. I'll text you later today. Love you babes." "Bye Bri" I hang up the phone. The worst part about leaving is not being able to see her. I miss my best friend.

I get ready for my first day at my new school. "Raven. Are you ready?" My mom called from downstairs. I wasn't ready to start a new life. But, I had to, no one knew me here.  "I'm ready." I go downstairs to see Star, my baby sister, ready for her first day. Star is sitting on the couch eating her cereal waiting to go to school. "Is it cool if I drive to school alone?" I asked my mom because I just wanted to get this day over with. "Ok sweetie just be careful. I'll take your little sister to school." My mom said as she picked up her keys. I grab the keys to my truck, my bookbag and a bottle of water. Star hugs me before getting in the car with mom.

I'm driving to school thinking about my old school. I wish we never had to leave. Its all my fault we left. I thought.  I wish I could change the pastI get to the school, I'm kind of scared. This place feels weird, I just don't know why. I walk to the office and see the secretary sitting there typing something up. "Excuse me, where do I get my class schedule?" I shyly ask her. "Oh," she says "you must be the new student." "Yes, I'm Raven White." She looks through a stack of papers and hands me 4 sheets. "Here's your class schedule, campus map, locker information, and a pass in case you get lost." She smiles a nice gentle smile. I take the papers, "Thank you ma'am". Then I walk out of the office. The bell already rang, I walk the hallways looking for my first class. 325, where is room 325? I think to myself while looking at each door.

"Are you lost?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see a tall boy with long black hair, a black T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of black high tops. "Umm yes, I am actually. Can you please tell me where room 325 is?" I ask him shyly. "What a coincidence that's the class I'm going to right now." He says. His voice is deep yet so nice. "I'll walk with you if you'd like." He says flashing me a cute side smile. "Ok thank you." I say. We start walking to the class it's quite. Kinda awkward actually. "Are you new to the school?" He asks. "Yeah, is it obvious?" I answer with a nervous giggle. "A little bit. Oh I'm Blaze by the way." Blaze? That's a weird name but cool. "Hi, I'm Raven." He is so nice but there's something kinda off about him. "Here we are." He says as he points to the door. "Thank you so much." "No problem Raven. I'll introduce you to the teacher. He's chill." We walk in the door and the teacher looks at us along with the other students. "You're late again Blaze. What's your excuse this time?" He asks. Blaze looks at him and says "I was helping Raven here find your class she's new."

Everyone's looking at us and whispering. "You're the new student we've been waiting for. I'm Mr. Clark." The teacher said. He was nice. His clothes were really casual. Blue polo shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. "Yes, I'm Raven White." I say. "Well all the tables are full I guess you'll have to sit with your new friend Blaze." Mr. Clark says pointing to the back of the class. I shyly walk to the back of the class and sit down next to Blaze. I sigh and just lay my head down on the table. "You're very shy around new people." Blaze says laying his head next to mine. "Yeah, I'm just not used to this school yet." I say. "Well, if you want I'll show you where all your classes are." "Please, I don't want to be lost again." I say with a little giggle. "Let me see your schedule." He says with his hand out. I put the paper in his hands. He smiles and trys not to laugh. "What?" I ask hoping there's nothing wrong. "You have only 4 classes with me." He says with a smile. I look at him and say "Ok, why is that funny?" "Because they're all classes I never go to." He says, with a mischievous smile on his face.

The bell rings, we get up and walk out of our class and go to my next class. We talk on our way to every class, get to know each other more and more. "Hey, you wanna go do something for lunch? My treat" Blaze offered me lunch. Ok, why not I say yes and we go. We walk to his car, its a nice black mustang. We drive down the road and I look to my right and see the beautiful moutans and trees. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see in a little bit." We're driving I don't know where. But the view is so nice, the air is fresh and clean it just feels peaceful. "We're here." He says opening his door. I get out of the car to see a beautiful lake and a house out by it. "Wow. This place is so beautiful." I say looking out at the lake. "Yeah, this is the best place to go when you're kinda upset. That's where I live." He says pointing at the house by the lake.

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