Chapter 2

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We walked to the house, it was nice and cozy. The inside of the house was nice and warm and just feels safe. "This is your house?" I ask Blaze. This doesn't look like the house of a person with a name like Blaze. It looks clean, and like a housewife who never stops cleaning lives here. "Yeah, this is where I live. Just me, no one to tell me what to do or anything." He says walking closer to me. I get kinda nervous so I back up a little.  "What are we doing here anyways?" I ask trying to make things less awkward. I look around the living room. All I see is, well walls and a cozy fire place with burned wood in it still. "I just need to grab something real quick." I nod and say "Ok I'll wait here."  I hear a knock at the door and then 3 guys come in. "Hey Blaze! We need to talk!" One of the guys says. Then he looks at me and just smiles. He says "You look familiar, I've seen you before." I look at him and say "We've never met. I have never seen you before." Blaze walks out from the hall and looks up to see them. He looked worried, and just steps in between me and one of the guys. "What do you want Jake?" Blaze says. He's protecting me from them. What's going on? What's happening? I think to myself. Jake says, "You know why we're here Blaze. Its almost time are you in?" Blaze looks at them his eyes a glowing blue.  What's happening with Blaze? Is that normal? "You shouldn't be here Jake. None of you should. You're trespassing on Fallen Territory." Blaze is getting angry. His eyes are glowing a brighter blue. His hands balling up into fists. "No one knows we're here. Jev made sure of it. Even then you know we're stronger than them, and you." Is Jake mocking him? What's going on here? I'm kind of scared.

"Either way you know they're going to come for you." What's wrong with Blaze? He's acting weird. "Not unless we have something they want." He looks at me and I notice one of the boys is gone. Then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and lift me up. "Let go of me!" I scream while I'm kicking and trying to break free. "Hey what the hell man let her go." Blaze says sounding very aggravated. "Tell James to let her go or I'll tear his arms off." Blaze is getting protective over me, why? I'm trying to break free from James' arms but he's too strong.

I feel a sudden burst of energy.  No I can't show this. Not now. I can't, no no no. I'm thinking trying to control it. Then I let out a blast of energy and escape James' arms. I look up and Jack is laughing. He says "I knew you were the one. You're the reason we're here, Raven." I get scared when he says my name. "How do you know me? Who are you and what do you want?" I'm trying to calm down but I'm too scared. They knew me. How did they know me? I look over at Blaze and he's surprised. I guess he never met a person like me before. "If you want her you're gonna have to go through me." Blaze says as his eyes change from a glowing blue to a deep black.

His eyes are now just a deep cold black. Jake and the others get scared and take a step back. "If your smart you won't try that again." Blaze says, his voice deeper and more intimidating. Jake starts to back away, "I'm sorry, but we had to see if it was true. Blaze, you know better than most about people like us." He gets to the door and before walking out he says "I'd be careful if I were you. Word spreads fast, soon they'll know its her." Jake leaves, and Blaze is standing there his eyes are back to their nice light brown. "What was that?! Blaze what the hell just happened?!" I ask him. What was that all about? And how can I explain my powers to him? Blaze looks at me his eyes look worried. "How long have you had your powers? What can you do?" He asks me, he wasn't scared.  "Y-you're not scared of me?" I ask scared that he'll tell everyone. "Scared of you? You think I'm scared? I'm not, I've heard stories about people like you. My kin would tell legends of regular people with extraordinary powers." He looks into my eyes, and reaches behind my head. He pulls his hand out and sees blood, he gets worried. "It's ok," I said, "I'm a fast healer." He looks around the room and says, "We should get out of here. Jake will come back, this time with stronger people." I nod my head and we leave.

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