Chapter 8

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I look around the room and look outside, "Star, Jacob!" I call out. Blaze comes running upstairs.

"Raven what happened?" Blaze asks.

"I left for a few moments and I had a spell on them where no one could see them but me. Then I went to check on you and I come up here and they're gone." I say, I'm freaking out wondering what happened. I look on the floor and see a note.

"You should have listened to us."Was written on the note, I drop it and think to what Blaze and Jake just got into.

"They took them didn't they?" He asks, "Don't worry Raven we'll find them, no one will hurt Star." I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Star is all I have left, I can't lose her too." I say trying not to cry, I cant lose my baby sister too. She's all I have left I can't let them keep her. I think to myself, Blaze hugs me then looks into my eyes.

"I promise we will get her back, I will stop at nothing to get her back." I sense something behind me, I quickly turn around and see James.

"Hey relax, I'm not here to hurt you I have something to tell you." James says, he seems trustworthy.

"Do you know where my little sister is?"

"Yes, Jev took her and the protector, they're taking them to a house. I can take you there." Why does he want to help us? Whats in it for him, what's his catch? "But I want something in return." He says, "I know the protector is a werewolf. I want him to protect me as well." And theres the catch, but if its the only way I get Star back then so be it.


He takes us to a forest just outside of town, its thick and looks like one wrong turn and you'll be lost forever. He leads us deep into the forest. We get to a clearing and see Star playing with a wolf. I try to run yo her but James holds me back.

"You don't want to do that, they're watching her, can't you sence it?" He says, I look at him and sigh.

"I have the power to camouflage anything, even us. I can get over there grab Star and Jacob then get out."

"No, its too risky. We have to wait for Star to shift, it's her only hope. If she shifts into any form it gives her a slim chance of getting out."

We sit and wait for the signal from Jacob. But before he signals us I feel something hit me in the back of the head, then I black out

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