Chapter 11

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"What do you mean shifter?" James asks. Blaze just sighs and looks at him with a look of annoyance in his face.

"You're a demon and you don't know what a shifter is." Blaze says, James eyes go from a dark brown to a light blue. Blaze sits upright in his chair with a look of disbelief.

"I'm just like you Blaze, except I didn't single handedly get myself thrown down here and have the dark angels change my wing color." James tells him, I look at Blaze then James with a confused look. I didnt know about Blaze's past actually I hardly knew him at all. But something felt familiar about him, I never knew what so I never questioned it until now. "Blaze you're an angel of darkness now, I'm still an angel of light. Besides I was cursed to be a demon by Lucifer himself." James says.

"I know, he took your powers and left your wings hidden from sight of other creatures and supernaturals. Your story is one I've heard many times." Blaze says, James' eyes go back to their dark brown color we were used to. Just then the waitress brought over our drinks and asked for our order.

After a while and many pancakes for Star we all decided we had to keep moving. It was too dangerous to stay in one place for a long time. Tony and his gang will find us soon and hopefully we'll be ready. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the car James got for us. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask, Jacob and star are fast asleep in the back seat James looks over to me.

"Somewhere Tony and the demons won't ever think to look." Blaze sits up in his seat and looks at James.

"You're taking us into territory I can't be seen on, aren't you?" James smiles and chuckles.

"Dont worry we're not going into Angel territory, we're going somewhere no one knows about, well no one but me at least." James says, he looks over to me then Blaze. "You guys should rest, in a few hours we'll be at the safe house."

We drive for hours and hours when we finally get to a small house in the North Woods close to the mountains of Colorado. We're all tired from the drive but as long as we're safe from Tony we didn't care. We unload our new clothes and food that we got along the way. Star is asleep, Jacob takes her in his arms and carries her to a bedroom so she can rest. James finds his room, Jacob sleeps on a spare bed in Star's room. I get to my room and start unpacking my clothes. I hear a knock on my door, Blaze walks in quietly as if he's trying not disturb someone downstairs. "Blaze, what are you doing in here?" I ask him in a whisper.

"We need to talk, I have a bad feeling about James. No one can just leave Tony's group like that unless you want to die. He doesn't seem scared at all." Blaze's eyes are filled with concern, I knew he didn't trust James. Why was James willing to risk his life to help us? Why was he willing to risk his life to help us?

"I know Blaze but he's helpping us. We wouldn't be here without him, besides I think we can trust him." He sighs and looks down at the floor. "I know you don't trust him because he was one of Tony's followers, but I have a feeling he can help us. He can help me learn how to unlock my powers so I can know exactly what I am." He looks up at me, concern in his eyes he didn't understand why I trusted James in all honesty I didn't either.

"What if he's playing us? Maybe he wants Tony to find us." I sigh and look down at my hands.

"What did Tony mean when he said 'give me the crown?" I ask. Blaze takes a deep breath and takes my hands in his.

"Every enchantress has a crown, this crown is what makes her the ruler over a certain domain. Your domain is basically the entire U.S., but since you don't have your full power yet your crown isn't made yet. Once you unlock every ability you have you will be able to claim your crown." I look at him and try and wrap my head around everything that's been going on. "Look I can help you, I know a lot about different supernaturals. I can help you understand your different parts and help you unlock your true power." I sit down on the bed in the room and bury my face in my hands. I need to keep Star safe. She is my main priority, I can't let anyone hurt her she's all I have left. I think to myself, this past week has been crazy. Moving to a new town, meeting a guy, losing my mom, finding out I'm an enchantress. Now on the run from fallen angels and demons I don't know what is going on but I know I need to keep my sister safe. "Raven, you need to get some rest. You've been through a lot and need to rest." Blaze takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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