Chapter 9

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I wake up in a room and I'm tied up to a chair and I look to my right and see Jacob there. "Psst Jacob, Jacob where's star?" He's blacked out, just then I hear a scream its a mans scream. I get scared then I hear a door open and the lights turn on.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here its good to see you, your highness. Although you might not be used to being called that." I hear a voice of a man walking towards me and I look up. My head is pounding and hurts so bad it was hard to move.

"Who are you?" I asked weakly, I look to see Jake and Jev standing beside him. Their eyes are yellow and glowing and they look mad.

"Forgive me, your highness my name is Tony, I am what you call a Fallen Angel. Jake and Jev and your friend James are demons. We've been waiting for you to show your face." Tony lifts my head up and I see his face, his deep brown eyes and black hair.  "I'm sorry we had to meet like this I was just waiting for the right moment."

"Right moment for what? Where is my baby sister?" I try and force my power but I'm too weak. I look around and see Jacob still blacked out.

"I know you have the crown. I need it, it contains something that I so desperately desire."

"What are you talking about? What crown, I've never had one in my life."

"Tony let her go she doesn't have it!" I hear Blaze's voice coming from the hall. He walks through the door, he has cuts and bruises on him. "Listen to me, she didn't even know she was an enchantress until a few days ago."

"How can someone not know if they were an enchanted or not?" Tony asks as he looks at me and tries to find out what's happening. Rave listen, I need you to wake up Jacob and make him shift. Its our only chance. Blaze entered my mind and was communicating to me through it.

What about Star? Where is sheI ask as I try and enter Jacobs mind.

I have her safe, when Jacob wakes up I'll free you and we'll run and get her. He nods to me and I think of a way to distract Tony and the others.

"Wait, Fallen Angels don't have wings do they?" I ask, Tony looks at me and laughs.

"Our wings fall off when we are banished to earth. All we have left are scars of our wings." Jake takes off his shirt and turns around to reveal two large scars where wings would be.

"If Blaze is a Fallen then how come he has wings and you don't?" I try and buy as much time as I can. Jacob wake up, we need you now. I'm still trying to wake up Jacob but nothing.

"Blaze doesn't have wings, he shouldn't unless he's an Angel of Darkness." Tony looks at Blaze then looks at Jev and Jake. "Restrain him." Then Jev takes Blaze's arms and puts them behind his back.

"Wait, there's something you need to know before you take him away." I try and buy more time, I managed to wake up Jacob and I told him to wait. "There's something about Blaze you need to know."

"What do we need to know?" Tony asks.

"Blaze isn't the only strong one here." Just then Jacob shifts into his wolf form and attacks Jev and Jake. He knocks them out and turns to Tony and growls. Blaze and I make a break for it and we go to the room where they held Star. We get her and run out but before we leave I stop. "What about James?"

"We don't have time to go back for him." Blaze says, Star is in his arms passed out.  People are chasing us and throwing fire balls. I turn and deflect some of them, one almost hits me but then James runs in front of me.

"Go I'll be right behind you!" He says, I turn around and we start running. We get outside and keep running. We get to the forest and find a cave to hide out in. "They can't find us here, we'll be safe."

"Really, cause you said that last time and we got captured." Blaze says, he puts Star down and covers her with his jacket. "Are there people hiding here too? Are we gonna get ambushed again?" I walk over to Blaze and try to calm him down.

"I'm sorry I didn't know they were there usually we can sense each other but some things wrong. I can't feel them anymore for once I actually feel, free." James looks outside and sees Jacob running towards us. He jumps into the cave and cuddles up next to Star. After a while Blaze falls asleep and James and I are still awake.  James is standing in the mouth of the cave looking out and making sure no one found us.

"James," I say walking towards him.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Where you born a demon, if you don't mind me asking." I ask kind of shyly standing next to him.

"No, most demons are, I'm a rare one. I was cursed by Lucifer himself, he wasn't so happy about me killing his army. So, he took my powers and cursed me to be a demon. So far there isn't a way to reverse it, I'm stuck like this. Unless an Enchantress, like yourself, breaks the spell. But you're not strong enough to yet."  James looks down, at his hands, "I'm not strong enough yet."

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