Chapter 4

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We are in the car, Star is fast asleep. I look to my right, Blaze is driving, I'm just sitting here thinking about what happened. I lost my mom, she's dead, gone, we're alone. "Can we take Star home? I need to make a call." I ask Blaze. He looks at me and asks, "Are you ok Raven? I know this can be hard." "I'm fine. I just need to ask a favor." I tell him. We get to my house, I take Star up to her bed, tuck her in and let her sleep. "Raven, who are you calling?" Blaze's voice comes from the doorway. "A family friend. They owe us a favor." I take out my phone and dial the number. "Hello?" "Hey, Jake. Its Raven." I say, he's an old friend of mine. He was the first guy I ever liked. "Jacob, I need your help. My mom was shot today, she passed away." "Oh man I'm sorry Rave, you need help with Star?" "Yeah, I need you to protect her. I'm trusting you with my life. Star means everything to me." My voice is cracking its been years since I last talked to him. "Alright Raven I'll be there in a few hours." He says. I can't believe I had to do this. But its to protect Star, nothing else. "Thank you Jake. This really helps a lot." I hang up the phone.

I look at Blaze, his eyes are black. "Are you ok Blaze?" I ask. He seems just out of it. "Raven," he says, his voice is just so attractive. "I can't hold back anymore." "What do you mean hold back?" What is he talking about? Just then, he takes me by my waist and pulls me close. His scent is amazing, his hands on my waist, his muscles right there just so amazing. "Raven, I can't hide this." His voice is so deep and seductive. "Since I met you you're all I can think about. I don't know why, all I know is I can't stay away from you." I can't even speak. He's so perfect, this is too perfect. I look into his eyes the color is a soft black. They're so amazing, I'm getting lost in them. I never want this moment to stop. Just then, he looks up his eyes go from a soft to a hard black. "What's wrong Blaze?" Did I do something wrong? "There's someone here. And they're trouble." Just then the door bell rang. "Hey. Rave it's Jake." I go to the door and Blaze stops my hand. "What's wrong Blaze? Its just my friend." What's wrong with him? "You don't know what he is do you? He's trouble." Just then the door opens Jacob is there and he doesn't look happy. "Are you ok Raven? When you didn't answer I got worried I thought you were hurt."  I remember his eyes used to change color, red when mad, blue when normal. His eyes were a bright red, and that was never good. "Who's this anyways?" Jake asks. "Oh, Jacob this is my friend Blaze. Blaze this is my old friend Jacob." Blaze's eyes were a hard black his jaw was clinched shut, his jawline was more defined. He didn't seem happy at all. He looks at me, "I need to go, I'll be back in a few to pick you up for school." He says as he hugs me, then walks out the door.

"Is he like your boyfriend or somethin?" Jake asks, his eyes goin back to the normal blue that I remember. "No, he's just a friend. But, hey I didn't get a hug." I say changing the subject. He runs and hugs me and picks me up and spins me around. I giggle, its been forever since I've hugged him. I missed him, everything about him. His beautiful blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair, the way he always made me laugh or feel better when I'm sad. Jacob was there for me when my dad died. Now he's here to help with Star, and help me find who shot my mom. "Star will be happy to see you." I say as he starts to let go. He smiles and says, "I think she is happy." Just then I hear Star wake up and run down stairs. "Jakey!" She says as she runs and jumps into his arms. He smiles and hugs her close. "What are you doing here? Its not Christmas." She says laughing. "No, your sister called me to look over you. She wants me to make sure you're safe." He says holding her on his hip. I look at her, its good to see her smile. I tell her, "Okay, Star its time to get ready for school." Jake puts her down then she runs upstairs to get ready. Just then I get a text, from Blaze: Meet me in the woods behind your house. I found something you need to see. "Hey Jake, can you take her to school for me? You can use my car, there's something I need to do." He nods his head, "I'll make sure she eats before she goes." He says. I walk out the door and head to the woods behind my house. I get deep into the woods. I'm looking around for Blaze, I hope he's here. "Spooky huh?" I hear from behind me. I jump then notice Blaze standing there behind me. "You scared me." He laughs, "I'm sorry Rave, I didn't mean to scare you."  He takes my hand, "There's something I need you to see." He leads me deeper into the woods. We get to an old looking cabin. "Blaze what are we doing here?" He leads me into the cabin, and I see a wall with pictures. Its my family, but why does he have this. "Blaze what is this?" He looks at me then looks down. "Your family is being watched. Someone wants you and they're killing your family to get to you. You and your sister are in danger, and I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe."  I'm shocked, I don't know what's going on. "What do you mean someone wants me?" "Someone knows about your abilities, they know what you're capable of and I know who they are." He says getting kinda pissed. "Who are they? And how do they know?" He looks at me, "You remember those boys from the lake house? Jev, Jake, and James?" I nod my head. "They're the ones, they've been watching you for a while. I don't know why but they want you to join them. But they don't even know what you are. You don't even know what you are." I'm confused. "What am I?" He looks at me and says, "You have immaculate strength and speed. Your magic is more powerful than anyone on this earth. Raven, you're supernatural. More than that, you're a hybrid. You have every ability in the supernatural world. Raven, you're an enchantresses."

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