Chapter 3

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We get back to the school only to see that everyone's left. "I'm sorry I made you miss most of the day Raven." Blaze looks at me his eyes so warm and inviting. His hair a little messy from the wind. "It's ok, I don't mind. I'm sorry you had to find out about my powers this way." I say hoping he won't tell anyone. "Its ok, your secrets safe with me." I get out of the car and walk to my truck when I feel my phone go off. Its a text from Bri. "Hey babes. I've got something to tell you call me ASAP!!!" I look back and see Blaze leaning against his car waiting to be sure I'm ok.

I start up my truck and drive home. When I get there I walk in and get a big hug from Star. She was happy and excited, "Raven, Raven, look what I made you in school today." She shows me a cute drawing of us at the park. Star is everything to me and my mom. She always makes us smile and laugh when we're upset. "Do you like it?" She asks her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. "Star I love your drawings." I hug her and pick her up in my arms. We sit down on the couch and watch her favorite movie. My mom gets a call, its her new boss. "I've got to go back into work. They need my help on something." She says "I'll be back later." Star looks scared. "Mommy don't go, I don't want you to." Star has powers too. She can see the future it scares her a lot, she never knows what to do. "I'll be ok baby, I'm only going back to my work." My mom hugs her and tells me to go outside with her. "Raven I don't know what your sister saw but we both know its not good." Tears start to fill my eyes. "No mom you know it's not always true. Please don't think like that." She hugs me tight, and holds me close. "I'm sorry baby, just remember whatever happens I'll always be here with you." She kisses my forehead and says "Take care of my shining Star, and Raven stay strong, I love you both." She gets in the car and drives away.

I go inside and see Star crying. I hug her tight and tell her its going to be ok. Blaze had given me his number in our 3rd class together. I take out my phone and call him. "Hello?" He answers.  "Hey, its me, Raven." "Oh what's up Raven?" I can't believe I'm going to ask him this. But I trusted him for some reason. "Can you come over to my house? I need help with something." "Yeah sure let me get my keys and I'll be there soon. Text me your address." "Ok thank you bye."

Twenty minutes later I hear Blaze's car pull up. He walks up to the door, I open it for him and let him in. "Star, this is my friend Blaze. Blaze this is my baby sister Star." She looks at him and smiles, I know what she's thinking and its not going to be fun. "Hi, I'm Star." She sounds happy. I wonder why, but as long as her minds off our mom. "Thank you for coming over I need to ask you something." I tell Blaze he nods. We sit with Star till she falls asleep. I carry her to her room upstairs, I tuck her into her bed with her teddy bear that dad gave her. I walk back downstairs to see Blaze standing at the window looking at something. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You're being watched. I can sense them out there. Did anyone leave the house?" He asked, he sounded concerned. "My mom she had to go to her work real quick." I'm scared, what does Blaze know. "Shit." He says. "How long has she been gone?" "Thirty minutes give or take a few minutes." He looks at me and says "Stay here, don't leave the house and stay with Star. I'll be right back. I'll call you when I'm here." "Blaze, what's going on?" I ask. I'm scared, what's happening? Is this about Jake?

Blaze grabs his keys and leaves. I'm scared, I go upstairs into Star's room and lay in bed with her. I'm almost asleep when I hear her breathing getting heavier. "Star, are you ok?" She's asleep, she's having a nightmare. I try shaking her awake, but she's not waking up. Then the house starts shaking, it's  Star doing it. I try harder and harder to wake her up but I can't. Finally she wakes up with a scream. "NO MOMMY!" she starts crying I hug her and ask her what's wrong. "Ravey, mommy's dead." She says crying. My eyes start filling up with tears. I get a call from Blaze. "Raven, you need to get over here quick." "What's wrong? What happened?" I say trying not to cry. "Its your mom she's been shot. She's in the hospital hurry and get here. Bring Star." I hang up the phone, and pick up Star and put her in the truck, start it up and go.

We get to the hospital and I see Blaze in the waiting room. "Blaze what happened? Where's my mom?" He takes me to her room. Star climbs into bed with her, I stand by her side and hold her hand. "Mom? Please wake up. Please." I say with tears in my eyes. "Raven." She says, she's weak too weak. "I'm sorry I wasn't careful." I look at her and say, "Mom its ok, just let me help. Let me heal you." I'm crying Star is hugging her legs. "Raven baby you're not strong enough. Its too late, my time has come." Star looks at her "Mommy please don't go. Please stay with me and Ravey."  Mom just looks at her and smiles. "I love you both, I'll tell your dad you said hi." "Mom no please, please fight. Fight stay here with us. Don't leave us." I try to gather enough energy and try to heal her. "Raven, no. You can't heal me, it's too late." I'm sobbing, I can't lose her. "I love you both, take care of each other." She says, her eyes are closing. "Goodbye babies. Be safe. And protect each other." Those were her last words. The heart monitor flat lined.... She was dead.

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