Chapter 10

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I look over to Jacob and Star and watch as they sleep. "All I wanted is for Star to have a normal childhood. That's all our family ever wanted was a normal life." I tell James, we both look out to the beautiful full moon.

"I know, I just wish I could have a normal life, but that's never going to happen." James looks at me, "You have so much strength, and you've barley even scratched the surface." He looks out into the beautiful night sky.

"James, what happened, why did you change?" He sighs and looks at me, his eyes change into the soft baby blue color. They look so familiar, almost like I knew him. "I grew up with you Raven, you probably don't remember. After I left I made sure that no one could remember my name, or even my face." I look into his eyes and my childhood flashed by After all this time, you'll finally know who was there through it all. And who helped your family when they needed most. Raven, it was always me, I've been there to help you no matter what. I hear James' voice in my mind as it all flashes by. I remember now, James was there for my when I needed most. He has always been there, for me, my mom, especially Star.

"James, how long have you been with my family?" I ask, he looks at me then looks at Star.

"I was assigned to you and Star, when you were born. Star was born 10 years later, when she was I was assigned to her. I'm your protector, and hers too." I just look at him totally confused about what he just said. Then the sun starts peaking its light out, and James stands in the mouth of the cave. "Watch and you'll see why I'm your protector."

The sunlight hits him perfectly and I notice his back, right there before me. Pure white angel wings, they were beautiful and breathtaking. When the light passes they fade away. I look at him completely stunned and mind blown. His wings were beautiful, I had never seen something so pure in my life. "You're an Angel." I say completely baffled.

He smiles and takes my hand, I try to pull away but he says, "Do you trust me?" He says sweetly, I simply nod and just think, he seems trustworthy.

"James, what are you doing." I ask kinda scared.

"I can teach you how to be an angel. You have so many parts of you to unlock and I can help you get started." He says sincerely, just then Blaze, Jacob, and Star wake up.

"What are you two talking about?" Blaze asks, with sleepy eyes and cute messy hair.

"Its nothing, are you guys hungry? I'm sure there's a place we can get something to eat." I tell them, Star looks up with happiness in her eyes.

"Pancakes!" She shouts out, I smile and we make our way out of the woods. We start to head toward a small town close by all dirty with a few small cuts from the escape.

"We need to find a place and get some new clothes and clean up before we go anywhere else." James says, we all agree and find the nearest clothing store. Star and Jacob go to find clothes for them. James goes to get enough money to get us through a week at the least. Blaze and I walk around the store looking for clothes of our own.

"How long do you think we can hide? Jake and his friends will find you and Star and they'll have an army. We only have and angel of darkness, a werewolf, a demon, an enchantress, and a witch. I wouldn't say we're the scariest bunch don't you think." Blaze says. I look at him and just sigh.

"I know we're not much but my family has friends all over the world. I'm sure they'll be happy to help, especially with Star." I say while I browse the racks looking for something cute or at least enough to get me through the night. Blaze comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

"I can't let them hurt you Raven, I care about you too much to let you get hurt." He says, I turn and look him in the eyes.

"Nothing will happen to me Blaze I know how to fight and as long as we keep moving I'm sure they won't find us." I pull a hat from the rack behind Blaze and put it on his head. He smiles and kisses my cheek, I blush and turn back to the racks. I try to hide the fact that I'm blushing but it didn't work too well. Blaze smiles and just hugs me from behind. He then picks out an outfit and tells me to go try it on.

So I take it to the dressing room and walk out. He just stares at me in awe, I smile a little and go back to change into my other clothes. James comes back with the money. He managed to get $100,000 in the matter of half an hour. We grab a few more clothes and go find Star and Jacob so we can get a car and a hotel for the night. James finds a good sized car to fit all of us comfortably. Star's stomach growls and she giggles. "My tummy says its hungry." She says, we all smile and laugh a little. James finds us the nearest dinner and we all get some well deserved lunch.

"Welcome to pops country cookin' what can I get you folks to drink?" The waitress asks with a smile.

"I'll have a Coke and Star will have a Sprite." I tell her, she looks at James and Jacob and they give her he order. She then looks at Blaze and then drops her ticket pad.

"Just get me a Coke and tell no one that you saw me here." Blaze says handing her a wod of hidden money. The waitress smiles and picks up her ticket pad and leaves to get our drinks.

"What was that about?" I ask Blaze. He looks at me and I see his eyes turning a blue color. I remember what that means.

"Let's just say if she keeps quiet then we don't need to worry about anything or anyone getting us while we're here." His eyes go back to their soft black color.

"Let's hope this shifter keeps her mouth shut at least."

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