Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you want to? Especially after what happened." Blaze asks. I think about it, I need to find out who killed my mother. "I'll be fine, I can control my anger for a while." I tell him. We walk back to the house and Star and Jacob are about to leave. Then I get a chill, it isn't good. I run to Star and Jacob, "Wait, something doesn't feel right." I tell them, Jacob picks Star up in his arms. "Raven look out!" We see a ball of fire come at us, I deflect it with my powers. Who is doing this to meI think to myself. I turn to Jacob. "Get Star out of here now!" Star starts crying for me. I have to make sure she's safe, even if it means she has to leave. "Raven I need to get you out of here." Blaze says. "How? Star and Jacob just left, we can't out run them." He smirks and says "You may be an enchantress Raven but you have no idea what I can do." He takes off his shirt and I see black angel wings tied down. He unclipped the latch and the wings extend to their full length. They're beautiful, and so is he, his muscles just so tone and defined. He takes me in his arm and takes off, I hold on to him so tight scared to fall. We're going through the sky he's looking around for something. Or someone. "You can fly?!" I say in complete shock, I can't even begin to believe this. Is he an angel? Or a demon? What is he? We land at his house and I see Jacob's car. We go inside his house and Star runs and hugs me. "Ravey, you're ok." She is almost crying. "I'm ok my shining Star, are you ok?" I look at Jacob, "How did you guys get here anyways?" He looks at Blaze. "Your friend here told me where to go. He's got weird but cool powers. He channeled in my mind and told me where to go." I look at Blaze and hug him tight. "Thank you, for keeping them safe."

He hugs me back, "You're under my protection Raven. I won't let anything happen to you or Star."

"Blaze, this will kill you. I can't let you do this." I know he wants to protect us but I don't want him dead. Especially if it means making him leave.

"Star, come over here please." I ask her, she runs over to me and hugs me tight. She's shaking scared, I see something shinning from her. "Star what's wrong?"  I ask her worrying she might do something out of fear. Just then she pushes me away screaming I don't know if it was in pain or something worse. A bright light surrounds her and she starts levitating and the light gets brighter.
"What's happening to Star?" Jacob asks me,
"I don't know this has never happened before." Just then a blast of light shoots out from her and she lands on the ground but she's not Star anymore she's a beautiful little dragon. My baby sister is a shape shifter. I can't believe it she takes after our dadI think to myself while looking at her.
"Ravey look I'm just like daddy!" She says excited about her new powers. She's changing into different animals then settles on being a cute little dragon. Her dragon form had blue scales and beautiful golden eyes.

"Your father had this power didn't he?" Blaze asks, his face looked surprised and a little happy.

"Yeah, she takes after dad a lot actually. He had this power and a lot more. He got them when he was younger and learned to control them."

"Raven, this is amazing, Star's powers are incredible. She's very powerful, just like you and your father."  Blaze looks at Star and smiles. "She's powerful, but she still needs to learn how to use her powers for good."

I look at Star as she plays with her toys. Her and Jacob have a special bond that no one can break. "I see the way he looks at you. And I see the way you changed when he showed up." Blaze says, I let out a sigh and look at him.
"Jacob and I had a thing but it wasn't special. He and I talked for a while before he came here, we both promised that this was only for Star and that's how its going to stay."

"Raven are you sure its just that?"

"Yes, its nothing more. Besides, he knows that we won't get back together again."

Blaze just looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Before my dad died me and Jacob had a fight the resulted in violence. After that we never were the same, I'm not scared of him I just fear his temper isn't easily controlled." I look over to him and Star, He's lucky I even trust him around Star. This is his last chance to prove himself. I think to myself as I watch Star. Let's see him prove me wrong.

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