Chapter 7

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Its night, Jacob tucked Star into bed and is laying with her till she's asleep. Me and Blaze are in the living room talking and trying to figure out what happened today. Just as we're talking my phone rings, its Bri. How am I going to tell her everything. I answer the phone shyly I say,


"Raven what the hell you haven't called me or even text me. I heard about your mom are you ok?"

I sigh, "Bri its been crazy these past few days. Everything's going to shit my sister and I are in danger and I need to figure some stuff out." Silence is all I hear for 30 seconds.

"Rave, yesterday three guys came to your old house. They said they were old friends of your dad's." She says with a worried tone.

"Bri, what did you do?" I ask, I look at Blaze with a scared look on my face. What is she saying? He tells me in my mind. I tell him to wait and listen Bri is telling me something terrible.

"Raven I'm sorry I didn't know what they would do to me if I didn't tell them. They made me say where you were and how to find you. I'm so sorry but I didn't want to get hurt." She tells me, You've got to be kidding me right?! She didn't do this to me again. I think to myself trying to calm down.

"I have to go Bri, I need to make sure Star is safe." I hang up the phone, I sigh and bury my face in my hands. "I can't believe she sold me out. That's how they found us today." I tell Blaze his eyes start glowing blue, the last time they did that was when James and the others were here.

"They're here, Raven go tell Jacob to stay with Star. You need to hide as well, I can let them take you." Blaze tells me, I walk upstairs into Star's room and quietly tell Jacob what's happening. He picks up a very sleepy Star and takes her to a walk in closet.

I use my powers to cloak us and make it seem like the closet is empty. I can hold it long enough and it reaches far enough so I can go check on Blaze. "Keep Star here don't let her leave until I say its safe, ok?" I tell Jacob, he nods and I leave to go down stairs. I hear voices its Jake, Jev, and James they don't seem to happy about something.

"Blaze we need to know if you're in or out. This is your last chance to choose." Jake says, he doesn't seem too happy about it. I quietly make my way down the stairs, I see the three boys surrounding Blaze. Jake looks different, his eyes are glowing blood red, when he talks he shows fangs, and he's dressed all in black.

"Jake I told you I'm many things but I'm not a killer."

"That's a bull shit lie and you know it Blaze. You're a natural born killer its in your DNA, in your history, and your bloodline. Come on, you can't deny your nature. You may be an angel of darkness now but you're still living."

"Jake you have no idea who I am anymore. The person you knew isn't here anymore. He's long gone, I'm better and more powerful than ever." Blaze says, his eyes are glowing blue and I hear a low growl coming from him.

Jake laughs, "Looks like the wolf wants out Blaze, let out the killer. Show me you're not weak, show me!" Jake is getting angry and Blaze is trying to calm down. Just then Blaze charges Jake.

"Listen to me you worthless little shit. Before I kill you I'm giving you one last chance to leave." Blaze is holding Jake against the wall, his eyes still a glowing blue. He let's Jake up, "Go, now, before I change my mind." Blaze says.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your worthless immortal life." Jake says as he walks out the door.   What just happened? I thought to myself, I go back to check on Star and Jacob but when I open the door they're not there.

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