Chapter 5

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What's he talking about? Enchantress, what's that? "What's an enchantress?" I ask, I'm scared to know. He sighs, "An enchantress is one of the most powerful female supernaturals out there. They can do anything and everything. Its an ancient power, everyone's scared of. Especially Jake and his gang. That's why they want you, having you on their side will help them over take my people. I only wish you didn't have to be in this mess." He looks into my eyes, my breathing slows down I can't move. His eyes captivate me every time I look into them. "Why do they want me? I'm nothing. Sure, I have powers but I'm not an enchantress, I'm just not. Even if I was I wouldn't be any help. I couldn't heal my mom's gun shot wound." He hugs me, "I know you think you're not strong enough. But, when you gathered your energy at the lake house and pushed James against the wall they knew you were the one they wanted. It takes a lot to knock  James down, let alone throw him across a room." I can't believe this. I can't be, why would they even want me? And most of all did they kill my mom?

"Blaze, did you see who shot my mom?" He looks down and sighs. "I only saw his jacket, it was blue denim with a flaming skull on the back of it. I didn't get a good look at his face." I look at the wall and see something interesting. "Blaze look, what's this?" I point at the corner of one of the pictures. He takes it down and looks closely at it. "No, it can't be." He says throwing the picture on the table. He runs to the back of the cabin and looks through a bunch of books. He takes out a book and looks through it. "Here, look at this. Its a picture taken in 1974." He points to the corner of the picture. "Is that Jake and his gang?" He nods, "Look closer, look at the one standing next to him." He points. I see a man standing there with a denim jacket and a logo on his right arm. "Do you have a glass or something?" I ask, he goes and gets a glass. I put it to the picture and I can barely make out the logo. "It looks like a flame." I tell Blaze, he looks at it and says, "It looks like the logo I saw when your mom was shot." 

We need to find this guy. "Blaze, do you know where Jake and his buds are?" He looks at me with a worried look on his face. "Why do you need to know? What are you planning?" I look at him, " Let's pay our friend a visit shall we?"

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