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A/N: companion to the Psychological Domination chapter, and dear god I hope this makes sense to someone besides me *bigsweats*


He trusts Dalton for this. Dalton needs every part of him, he's said so. His voice, his charm, and now his body and spirit. There's no reason to complain; he's given himself over to this man from the first promise he'd help change everything.

He lies limp on the bed, not passive but attentive, as Dalton stands over him with skin illuminated by candlelight. His eyes glow more otherworldly than usual.

"Just perfect," Dalton whispers and lays a palm on MacKenzie's bare chest. Skin contact was important for this to work, he'd insisted. Anyone else and MacKenzie would be worried about something sharp and painful going into his chest and then it's lights out, but not this man. Younger in age but older in wisdom.

Dalton's eyes close but his own remain open; not that he's been instructed on it but something inside tells him even moving just a little will break whatever mysterious spell is happening. He watches the young man slowly breathe in and out, like as always done when Dalton is meditating or otherwise just intensely concentrating. The candlelight around him shimmers, flickers...

And that's when MacKenzie starts to feel the tugging sensation. It's not in his head or chest or stomach, but- something right in the very center of his being that Dalton has talked about so often, where all those melodies and words come from. What makes him so magical and special and important and all those other praising adjectives that have been heaped on him.

MacKenzie can't even shudder a breath, and yet he doesn't feel the need to breathe in this moment. He's protected in the space Dalton has made for him and watches as the glow around the young man's body brightens from gold to white.

No way he's hallucinating this-

Then MacKenzie feels something like a kick in his chest and has to bite his lip to stifle any bucking, but Dalton only softly smiles in whatever haze he's concentrated himself into. "Almost there..."

He never expects Dalton to lean over with lips gently touching to his own like a lover's, but that's exactly what happens. He's been touched before with gentle pets to his hair or arms, but never anything this intimate. Stay still, stay still, he concentrates as neither lips or tongue move, but a surprisingly cool flow of breath. He has to stay under control like he's been taught to properly channel his energy...

And then Dalton finally sighs and pulls away, the tugging and kicking sensations leaving as well. It's then MacKenzie allows himself to go passively limp. How he can feel so exhausted when he barely moved a muscle to work-

When Dalton opens his eyes, they're the same intense ocean green as always. "Did you feel that?" he whispers, and MacKenzie nods, figuring that's close enough to the truth. He felt something all right, even if it's only the touch of those lips that linger.

Dalton comes close again to stroke down his face. This is familiar, comfortable. "We're sharing the same energy now. I knew you were ready for this; you're so good at everything, so important."

If he hadn't completely fallen down the rabbit hole of believing everything Dalton says before, he certainly has now.

Dark Fandom/OTP Challenge - DalKenzie Edition (edited)Where stories live. Discover now