Haunted locations (carnival)

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Every year the tent seems to mysteriously appear overnight, with no sign or any sound to indicate where it may have come from. Even though the canvas is faded with some patches and has seen better days, it still doesn't deter the people drawn in as if by a spell to the show that lurks within. It is a show that makes kabuki colorless, makes soap opera plots feasible, makes fairy tales an everyday occurrence.

Into the spotlight where a microphone from decades ago gleams as polished and brand-new as if it had been made yesterday, the ringmaster steps from the shadows. His golden jacket glitters across his broad shoulders and under the lights like if he wears all the stars in the sky as he goes into his spiel. The mike seems almost like a formality as his high tenor voice rings and echoes throughout the big top to promise feats of wonder not seen anywhere else and his arms sweep outwards to begin the show.

The animal tamer who calls herself La'Puma is a sight to behold. She also glitters under the lights from the crown of her mountainous hair to the bottom of her curvaceous figure wrapped in black silk. She is like a smiling statue, steady and unfearing in the face of any creature that crosses her path. The smile she has when a flock of golden birds alight on her arms after a choreographed and music-filled dance in the air is the same as when a lion bows before her. La'Puma never needs a whip or hoop of fire unlike other tamers, compassion and reverence is her game and the animals recognize her as their queen.

The magician, Mr. Nobody, doesn't wear a tuxedo like others, feeling much more comfortable in leather and denim. He does keep a top hat around if only to tap it and cause an explosion of black rose petals, and a cape to swoop over an audience volunteer to make them disappear. He can set a person's most prized possession on fire and put out the flames with his tongue with damage to neither him or the treasure, or cut them in half length ways and make the pieces run towards each other to come back together in a glorious display of smoke, and cackle with glee at every accomplishment as if unexpected. He knows how to keep the crowd in awe with merely a wave of a fingerless gloved-hand.

People laugh at first when they see the strongman Mac, as he appears much too slim and delicate to be of any wonder. But that laughter ceases soon as he flexes his arms to throw weights into the air as easily as if they were balloons. The laughter may even turn to gasps as he catches the weights on his shoulders or down the length of his arms with nary a grunt or word of complaint. The gasps can even turn to applause if he borrows one of La'Puma's animals or the pretty magician to balance upon him and he strides or cycles around the span of the big top, his smile infectious. Even a strong man can hide in someone so small.

The acrobat, Sonik Siren, may be the most mysterious of them all and working under some otherworldly magic as well. All she needs to do is sing a wordless but rapturous melody in her highest of notes, and visible sound waves of silver emanate from her to attach to the bars. Whereas other acrobats may hang from silk, she holds onto the waves to dance and spin and weave her body about like she is made of fluid. The audience dares not even breathe as if any noises they make will break her protective waves and send her plummeting, but Sonik knows no fear, only how to dance and be free.

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