Physical injury

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[[Prequel piece to chapters 11 and 19 and expands upon a moment referred to in the latter chapter, so I can play with gangsta!Dalton one more time :p]]


Rust-dark spots of blood still stained the cuffs of MacKenzie's shirt. And it had to be one of the shirts in the pile of expensive clothes Dalton had given him after the first time he'd spent the night ("You look about a size smaller than me; these are just cluttering my closet," was the explanation with his usual sly smile). Blood stained his fingertips as well while he slowly cleaned and tended to Dalton's cut and battered face, and thought about everything the young man had just told him.

On the first date he'd informed MacKenzie all his money- everything to afford the sleek car, stylish suits, five-star restaurant reservations- came from selling merchandise for various high-end companies, mainly electronics and jewelry. "Just think of me as a higher class of traveling salesman, babydoll," he said before buying a single red rose from a street vendor and tucking it in the buttonhole of what was then Mack's best shirt.

And Mack had believed him, even when he saw Dalton's elaborate flat, when Dalton would sometimes have to take a call in the middle of a date and there'd be a hushed whisper of an argument with whoever was on the other end, when he was spoiled with more extravagant gifts. Dalton had to be making all this legally, right?


With labored breathing and the occasional wince, Dalton explained he'd been in "the life" for a few years now, first in a gang before breaking out on his own. Gadgets and jewels were just the tip of the iceberg, there was also drugs, property, insider trading tips- and the two guys that had just ambushed them were people that didn't like their territory being honed in on.

MacKenzie had never been so frightened in his life, thinking somebody had a knife or gun, but it was only fisticuffs. Not that it made things any less harrowing when Dalton was shielding him and taking the brunt of the abuse. Every blow with a fist was like a hit to his own heart.

And now the young man's sea-green eyes showed a vulnerability MacKenzie hadn't seen before as he'd been given the choice: stay or go. Stay and possibly be in danger for the rest of his life, or go and walk away from the most intense passion he'd ever known.

It wasn't just the expensive presents, although Mack certainly wasn't complaining after growing up having to pinch pennies. Dalton also spoiled him with physical affection, with worshipful words and reverent gazes, like he was actually the lucky one. And MacKenzie had been the happiest and cherished he felt in ages.

But now...

"You hate me for hiding this, don't you?" Dalton's breath was shallow and he winced as he fully sat upright.

"Can't say I'm a hundred percent thrilled." MacKenzie capped the cream jar and unwrapped a bandage for under the young man's jawline.

Dalton kept still even if he looked like he wanted to wince again, sucking up the pain as a subconscious punishment. "I thought I could keep ya protected long enough, I guess. Not all that smart...but I'm just a fool in love." He gave his winning smile, and even with a cut lip and hollow eyes and patched up face, it was charming. Dammit. Mack didn't even register at the moment that Dalton had employed the 'love' word.

"It's not gonna be all sunshine and roses if you stay, Mack. You'll hafta learn about how I deal so y'don't get ripped off...I'll get you in a self-defense course 'case I'm not always there to protect you-" Another wince and Dalton put a hand to his rib cage, even if he'd been insisting a few minutes ago that it didn't hurt.

"And what would we be getting out of this?" MacKenzie's tone was flat even while he carded his fingers through Dalton's wild hair.

Dalton shut his eyes under the smooth touches. "You get the life you deserve an' I get the love I deserve," he murmured soft as a lullaby.

Love, there was that word again. Somewhere in the midst of flirting with and wooing a nobody little barista this young man who lived like he wasn't afraid of anything had somehow found a person who gave him a bigger smile than all the extravagances he owned. MacKenzie had a feeling someone like that didn't come along every day.

Looked like they weren't all that different.

He raised the hand with battered knuckles to his lips.

Dark Fandom/OTP Challenge - DalKenzie Edition (edited)Where stories live. Discover now