chapter 3 ~ partners

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  Watch a thousand years! Perfect for dramoine ship! :)
~hermoine's point of view ~
  I woke up on the hospital bed with Draco, harry , Ginny and Ron staring down at me .

   My eyelids fluttered and I thought of what happened just now.

   "She's awake !",Ginny whispered.

Mrs pompfey (idk how to spell) entered the room and looked at me for a moment .

   "She's alright now and she can go for classes today."

   I sat up and looked at my friends..and then Draco . They seemed fine together, least besides Ron who looks like he is shooting daggers at Malfoy.

   They told me the whole story and that Draco is let off with only a warning. I sighed with relief when I heard that.  I don't want any of my friends to go to azkaban this year.

   I stepped out of my bed and harry helped to hold me.

   "Wow.. I'm not that old.", I laughed and everyone else followed .

   We went to class immediately and the first lesson was potions with Proffesor slughorn .

   Harry and Ron both had charms and Ginny had muggles study so so I went to class alone .

   "Hey!!", I heard a familiar voice call out.

   I turned and saw Draco run towards me and he walked besides me, "I have potions too.."

   I smiled at him , "great!"

   We walked into the classroom where Proffesor slughorn was already waiting .

   "Now everyone please find your pair and I will get started with the lesson.."

   I planned to just wait to find someone without a pair to sit with but Draco stopped me and asked if we could be partners . I blushed and nodded silently. I never knew Draco could be so kind.

   For the first time ,I wasn't paying attention during class as I kept thinking of well... Draco with his bare chest...I didn't know what was wrong with me at all but I kept dreaming on and on.

   "Granger!", Draco tapped on my shoulder.

   I turned to look at him. "We should begin our potion?"

   I blinked and asked ," what are we supposed to do? "

   "Are  you kidding me? Granger?not paying attention?", He gave me a smirk but it wasn't those kind of bad or evil smirk made to harm me , this time , it was a playful smirk.

   I stepped on his shoe hard that made him moan in pain.

  "Oww...why did you do that for?"

  I looked at him and pretended to be dumbfounded , "I have no idea .."

  I stood up and went to the cupboard which contains all the ingredients we need for the potion .(I took whatever the other people were taking)

   I placed it all on our table and thought for a moment...,"oh! We are making a truth potion!"

   Draco stared at me ,confused ,"how did you do that!"

   I laughed at his confused face. He looked so cute...! I slapped myself mentally. Draco Malfoy, cute? Have you gone mad?maybe I did go mad .


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