Chapter 12 ~ hogsmeade trip

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   ~ginny's pov~
  "How is this one?", I asked hermoine. She nodded excitedly and I grabbed a purple dress to her hands and shrieked," try them on!"

   She nodded silently and went to change while I waited for her.

   Just now when Ron saw hermoine walk to draco's room and back to hers, he was mad. I always knew that my brother had a crush for hermoine and hermoine probably doesn't like him. I actually got a very good feeling that she likes Draco. Hermoine acts weird recently and she keeps staring at Draco when we are in the great hall and I was used to seeing them eyeing each other and hermoine smiling happily. I actually really like Draco and hermoine together..well as long as Draco don't act as a jerk again , things will be perfect.

   Ron was really unhappy though, when hermoine went back to her common room , harry told me that Ron kept mumbling in his sleep about hermoine and sometimes it seems like he is fighting in his dreams. I don't have much opinion about this but should i tell Ron to stop chasing hermoine? I am actually quite afraid of hurting him , Ron is actually a very emotional person. Even though he doesn't show much but behind the real him, he actually cares and really wants hermoine..

   "How do I look?",hermoine walked out of the dressing room.

   "Amazing!",I stared with my eyes wide open. The purple dress fits her perfectly , just as I thought!

  "You should get that hermoine!"

   "Really?I was looking for something less sexy ..."

   "Come on hermoine... It's only showing your back.. that's not even considered sexy." Hermoine nodded and went back into the dressing room.

   I waited for another ten minutes or so before she came out of the dressing room and we paid for the dresses.

   Afterwards, we headed to some of the other shops to do some shopping. Oh by the way , Ron told me he wanted some fresh air so we kind of separated with him on the way.. he said he will meet us again somewhere though...

   "Let's go in!", I pointed at one of the new shops in hogsmeade that I have recently only just discovered.

   Hermoine nodded and followed me in.

   The shop is colourful with green and red , probably ready for Christmas . There were cages and cages of different pets including cats , owls and even rabbits.

   I headed to one of the snowy white owls ,"hermoine!I'm thinking of buying this for harry..what do you think?"

   Hermoine walked towards me and thought for a moment,"hey that looks like hegwig! It's perfect to tell harry that Hedwig never left him !"

  I nodded happily and took down the cage and carried it to the counter.

   "Hermoine , are you buying anything?"

   "Crookshanks does need a partner.. hmm.. how about the White one there."  ,Hermoine pointed at a beautiful white cat sitting in its cage, busy licking her fur.

   Hermoine picked up the cage and the cat stopped licking and looked at her carefully. Then,the cat purred and lay back down on the cage floor.

  "Thats perfect!", I clapped excitedly.

   Hermoine approached counter too and we waited patiently.

   After a while , the shop owner still didn't appear and I called out,"hello?is anyone in there?"

   A old man approached from the darkness and quickly took a look at the cages ,"good choice , good choice.."

   He looked at me and smiled," who is this for ,miss?"

   "It's for my boyfriend ,he lost his previous owl last year...after fighting you know who.."

   "Ah..Harry Potter I see.. very very good choice , miss."

   He looked towards hermoine and asked," how about you miss ? Who is that for?"

   I could see hermoine blushing a bit and she replied, " sir this is for my.. friend..."

   The old man chuckled a little," your boyfriend ah?"

   Hermoine nodded and I shot her a confused look. When did she get a boyfriend? 

   The old man nodded slowly and said,"I can see that he loves you very much... Treasure him, before you lose him.. "

   Hermoine eyes were wide open and she nodded silently.

  We paid for our pets and we headed out of the shop.


   Hermoine sighed and told me,"I'm sorry Ginny for not telling you , but I'm scared you will disagree our meetings.."

   I stopped in my tracks,"who is it!"



   "Are you mad at me?"

   "No , in fact I'm happy for you , that you got a boyfriend!! Come on let's go back!"

   On the way back , Ron joined us , carrying a brightly wrapped present .

   "Ginny!" , He whispered and I walked behind hermoine a little.

   "Mind if we get a little... Time..", he motioned hermoine and I nodded.

   I walked away and hid behind a tree to hear their conversation.

  "Ron, what is it?"

   "Hermoine , I actually want to give you this..", Ron took out his present from behind his hand.

   "What .. thanks Ron..thats really nice.."

   "Well I I have something to ask you.."

   "Will you be my girlfriend?"


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