chapter 4 ~ the stars aren't as beautiful as you

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   ~draco's point of view~
    Classes ended fast and they were extremely easy with hermoine by my side. Soon, it was already night at around 8:00 . I strode around the school alone , I felt absolutely lonely , I longed for hermoine to appear .
    I walked quietly to the library thinking that she will be there. The librarian greeted me cheerfully and I went into the library. I seldom go to libraries so to me , the library was exceptionally quiet . I went over all the book racks curiously , where could she be?

   I walked to the nearby tables and spotted a girl with Bushy brown hair reading a book attentively . I tiptoed forward and covered her eyes .

   "Hi Granger." I removed my hands from her eyes and sat opposite to her .I'm not sure why but lately , her presence is what makes me feel less lonely and happy .
    I waited for her to say something for some time and she looked up , "hi Malfoy , what are you doing here.?"

   "Looking for a book,same as you.",I lied . She smirked , "no way . What do you want Malfoy?"

   "Fine , I lied . I just wanted some company.. well... Im just really lonely.",I blushed as I pronounced my words.

   "Well sure, you can stay here as long as you like and I think you should grab a book."

   I stood up slowly and went to the nearby shelf , randomly stuck my hand in and picked up the first one that reaches my hands .

   I sat back opposite of her and she smiled. I love her smile and her chocolate brown eyes.. her lips... Just make me feel like ... I want to...touch... I shook myself off my imaginations and tried to read the book.

    I constantly flipped but I wasn't actually reading the book , I was thinking about her. Why is hermoine suddenly so nice to me ? Is it a mistake? And I also found out something about myself, I love her. Yes I do.

   Soon , the librarian ushered us away from the library at around 10:00. Hermoine was reluctant but I was glad.

    We walked down the hallway together and she turned for the gryfindor common room.

   Draco do something! Tell her you want to go on a walk with her! Tell her!

   Hermoine continued walking swiftly and I followed her all the way in front of the gryfindor's portrait.

   She looked at me ," I think the password is not to be shared.."

   She smiled and her brown eyes were locked onto mine.

   I mustered all my courage and shouted ," will you come with me for a walk?"


   "Will you come for a walk with me ?" , I asked again .

   Hermoine blushed and nodded silently .

   "I'll go put my books first ."


   "Yes ,my darling.", The portrait of the fat lady swing open and hermoine ran straight in .

    After a while , hermoine came back out .

   "Let's go!", I swear I could hear a glimpse of excitement in her voice.

   We walked out of the school into a field under a tree . 

    ~hermoine's point of view~
   We both sat under the tree and looked at the stars.

   "Look at that one ! ", I pointed at a star that had that most limited light shining on it . Draco nodded as if he knew which star I was talking about.

   "All stars are able to shine, it doesn't matter how brightly they shine.",I commented and looked at Draco.

   He smiled and me and I smiled back immediately.

   Suddenly he cupped my chin with his left hand and looked at me in the eye . This time, nobody can ruin our kiss. I waited eagerly as he leaned closer to me until I could feel his breath on me .

   "Hermoine , I ... "

   "Yes?", I looked at him, concerned .

   "Hermoine, I really like your presence .", He said sincerely.

   "Thank you."

   Is he or is he not going to kiss me? I started being a little stressed. What if he doesn't even like me?

   He smiled at me again and his other hand started to twirl my brown hair .

   My hands immediately went to his chest and slithered down and up.

   He smirked at me," hermoine..."

   He suddenly grabbed my waist and started tickling me . I laughed so hard I thought the whole school could hear me.

    "Draco..please..stop..",I tried to say while laughing.

   It seemed like he heard me because his hands stopped moving and stayed on my waist .
   "Hermoine , you are the most ticklish person ever."

   I almost choked and started giggling again .

   He cupped my face again with both hands and immediately pressed his lips against mine.

    I did not stop him and kissed him back. He leaned closer to me, it almost seemed that out body fit perfectly together. He kept kissing me passionately and our tongues fiddled with each other. I just realise how a good kisser Draco was . He is slow,steady,smooth and amazing .

    My hands started to slither down to his shirt as I slowly tried to unbutton it . One by one , the buttons obeyed me and I helped Draco out of his shirt . We were still kissing, lying down on the grass , rowing around in it . He held on to me like he was never letting go.

    I gently touched his muscles and tried to tickle him . Lucky for me , he is ticklish .

   His mouth untangled with mine and he started laughing madly, twisting and turning in the grass.

   "Hermoine ... Stop please..", Draco pleaded.

   "Not until you treat me something."

   "How about an extra kiss?"

   "Deal.", I let go of him and his lips were back on mine.

   After an eternity , we stopped kissing . Draco smiled and said , "the stars aren't as beautiful as you."

   He picked his shirt and buttoned them back on and I tried to straighten my shirt.

   "Let's go before anyone spots us", he winked and we ran back into the school.

   I loved this one! How about you guys? Leave your comments and suggestions!!:) Byeee !!!



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