chapter 10~ dont tell anyone

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~draco's pov~

    Mother dropped to the ground without any other word. I felt my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

   I bent down to her,"mum... wake up please..." I shook her softly and started crying. I hated people see me crying but I can't help it , my tears dropped like a waterfall.

   "Mum..please....please don't leave m.e.."

   "Mum...stay with me.", I raised a shaky hand to embrace her cold and lifeless fingers.

   "Mum!!" , I buried my head in her hands and let out everything in me . My mum left me. My mum is gone.

   Suddenly,laughter sounded again.

   "Good one Lucius.", My aunt Bellatrix giggled excitedly , clapping her hands together.

   I looked up to my father's cold and heartless eyes. He gave me a smirk and sat back onto a chair and waited.

   I stood up shakily and with all my strength I shouted," dad! Bring mum back , what did you do?"

   I felt crazy and I was desperate . I walked forward wanting to shake him but he continued to smirk.

   "Calm down Draco , its only that unworthy women we are talking about here."

    "And she's my mum! And your wife!do you even have a heart? You are such an idiot!"

   The pain from my stomach took over my body again as I started moaning .

   The pain forced me to kneel down beside my mother.

   "Mum.. I won't let them get to me." I whispered to her ear before grasping her hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze.

   "Mum I love you." I closed my eyes and imagined my common room and I apparated .

   ~hermoine's pov~
   I didn't see Draco for quite sometime ever since we were in the library. He must have left seeing how boring the books were.

   I carried my books and walked silently to my prefect common room . Before I could enter , Ginny rushed to me.

   "Hi hermoine! Are you excited for the ball? Oh it's going to be so fun!!" , She shrieked so loudly I had to silent her before getting complains from the portraits.

   "Come in and talk.." , I whispered in her ear and she jumped around excitedly.


   Snape rolled his eyes and mumbled," to be serious,i really hate pineapples ."

   He swung open leading to my common room with Draco. I led the way and Ginny skipped along behind me.

   "Wow!! This is coooolll!!", She punched my shoulder while studying the common room.

   I shrugged,"it's a lot smaller than the gryfindor's common room though..."

   "But I love it!! " , She clapped her hands together and began exploring around.

   I showed her to my room too.

   After some time , we sat on the sofa and continued the topic on the upcoming ball.

   "You know, harry asked me this time!!ahhhhh!!", I smiled brightly at her.

   "I knew you always want to go with him for the Yule ball."

   "I'm lucky I have him now!! Yay!", Ginny said , pouncing onto another sofa and lying down.

   "We should get our dresses soon you know.", She clapped her hands again and her eyes went big.

   "I know , I know ! There's this shop down hogsmeade that I've went to recently, they had so many good dresses you know? And I saw one perfect purple one that would fit you perfectly! We need to go there soon!!", She walked towards me and started swinging my hands.

   "Oh Ginny, I'm so happy for you and harry. And I think we could go there tomorrow, anyway it's a Saturday."

   Ginny jumped again ,"perfect ! I better get going , harry is waiting for me !", She stuck out her tongue and skipped out .

   "Bye Ginny!", I shouted to her and the portrait of snape closed behind her.

    I began to dream about my dress and how ... Draco would think  about it.

   Suddenly, there was a bang down the floor and I screamed.

   It was Draco , he appeared from thin air , right smack in the middle of the common room.

   He was hurt . I could see his blood trickling from his stomach and I immediately rushed forward to him.

   "Draco!! What happened? Are you okay? We need to go to the hospital wing!!"

   He held my hand and said weakly," whatever you do , please don't send me to the hospital wing..."

   I wanted to question him further but after he gave me a tiny smile, he fainted on the spot.

   My head was spinning. I did learn some healing spells but I'm Not sure if it would work...

   "Wingardeum leviosa ." , I flicked and swished my wand and his body shifted behind me.

   I quickly ran to my room and placed him on my bed.

  "Okay...everything is going to be okay..." , I whispered to myself.

   I started unbuttoning his shirt slowly , careful not to hurt him.

   Soon, his bare chest was shown to me. It would have been an amazing sight if not for the insane amount of blood oozing out of a large cut at his stomach.

   I could see his flesh clearly and shuddered lightly.

   After a while, I managed to heal his entire top and all the bruises on his face .

   My eyes dropped down to his pants. I gulped and thought , this is all only for healing...please don't be mad..

    I started unbuttoning his jeans slowly and he flinched a bit when I was unzipping his pants.

   Slowly , I pulled down his pants and examined his legs for cuts and bruises. He only had his red boxers on and I blushed at the sight . There was a large cut on his right thigh and blood was oozing out of it in different directions. I started healing again with all my might.

   Lucky for me , I managed to heal him completely. I heaved a sign of relief and slumped onto a nearby seat.

   After a while of resting , I got up again and began fumbling with the blankets .

   Covering him up , I left him half naked , sleeping on my bed. I walked tiredly to the toilet and took a warm bath before changing into my pyjamas.

   I stumbled back to my bed. Since my bed was king sized , me and Draco would be quite far away.

   I shivered as I pulled some blanket for myself and slept at the other end of the bed. I kept squeezing myself and I alMost fell down the bed after a while.

   It took me forever to get used to Draco sleeping beside me and fall into a deep slumber.


  Hey!! Long time I have not commented anything..anyways, how do you like the story ? Is it progressing too fast?

   I will be rewriting it so leave your suggestions and comments !! 

   Thank you all for reading so far and always supporting me.

   I luv you guys!!

   See ya in the next chapter!! :)

  Like and follow!! :'D


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