chapter 5 ~ what are you doing?

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I loved that YouTube video ^^^ do check it out ! :D

~hermoine's point of view~
I woke up early in the morning smiling to myself . I have been thinking of Draco for the whole night I can't wait to see him again . I jumped out of bed and got changed .

At the great hall, I wasn't paying attention to harry,ron or Ginny, I just stared across out table to see Draco.

Ginny hit me hard,"what's wrong with you hermoine, you are not eating .."

I looked down at my food , I'm holding up a spoon to my mouth but I'm not eating .

"Oh.. I was just stress of our N.E.W.T .. haven't studied enough..", I said quickly and fed myself a mouthful of porridge.

Harry continued reading the daily prophet but Ron noticed and suddenly said,"hermoine , you are acting really weird recently, sometimes I really want to see the old you again."

The old me?what old me? I'm still the same , am I? I ignored his comment and fed myself another spoonful of porridge.

Soon, it's time for our first class
, I have defence against the dark arts with Ron and harry . Ginny had potions.

Ginny waved goodbye and walked away in the opposite direction. Me,ron and harry walked together to the defence against the dark arts room .

After professor snape's death , the new replacement teacher is professor engina.(we all call her Professor engine though) professor engine has bright yellow hair and a pair of squarish glasses. She is really kind and nice but in my opinion, she isn't quite of a good defence against the dark arts teacher because the way she teach... Its just ... Wrong..

I went into the classroom and sat on the same seat with harry and Ron both on the right of me.

After a while , everyone in the class settled down and professor engine walked in . She stood in front of us and greeted us cheerfully," good morning class!" She then clapped her hand and said ,"ah! Today's work is going to be absolutely fun!" She walked towards the teacher's table and picked up a stack of metal looking knight figurings with her wand .

"Now ... now each one take one , I have just enough , don't fight for it."
We all took one and she continued," today , I have a surprise for you all !"
She picked up the knight keychain on her table and said," with this knight keychain, we are going to learn a new spell!" She clapped gleefully and we all clapped along uncertainly.

At this point of time , someone in Slytherin rushed in, almost knocking a student's knight over. I saw him and gave him a glare. Draco Malfoy. He is late for class.

Professor engine continued , "sit down Mr Malfoy , here, you can take my knight ." She waved her wand and the knight obediently landed on Draco's table .

"Finally let's begin!", She said and I checked my watch . That took her 15 minutes . I frowned and continued watching her talk slowly.

After another fifteen minutes , she began ," can someone guess the spell?" The class silently watched her. "It's okay, you probably never heard of it ... It's called. ... 'stupefy' !"

My hand immediately shot up to the sky naturally," but professor , we already learnt it in grade 1!"

"Grade 1? No way! It's only to be taught now.."


"No but's miss Granger , now let me explain . Wait no , anyone here who knows would like to explain?"

This time , its not only my hand shot up in the air , half the class, including Ron and harry , raised their hands.

"Well then , since you all know this so well , let's start the pronouncation. Stu-pi-fay . "

I shouted out , " professor engine, it's stu-pi-fi , not stu-pi-fay . "

The whole class started snickering and professor engine ignored , " Now if you are all soon clever, let's begin with a demonstration from one of you , would that be NICE?"

The whole class suddenly quieten down , we knew that she was mad this time. Soon, her not-so-pleasant smile appeared on her face.

"Perhaps Mr longbottom?"

Neville gulped and stood up. Professor engine clapped loudly. Neville stood in front of her and she said," now say stupefy!"

Neville aimed the knight, I could see him perspiring hard , "STUPEFY!!"

The knight immediately fell backwards, down the teachers table . After a moment, it burst into flames .

"Well... Good... Now I want you all to find a pair and quickly start stunning each other." Professor engine took back all the knights and left us to find our pairs .

The class was filled with chatter again . I could see in the corner of my eyes , harry and Ron high five each other. Usually, I would go with Ginny but today, she isn't here so I sat alone and waited for the Professor to begin.

I heard a mischievous voice behind me , " do you mind?"

I turned and smiled," I don't."

Soon we all sat in our pairs . Me and Draco. Harry and Ron . And the professor began to lecture us one last time .

I could see Ron who was one seat away from me staring over and constantly glaring at Draco , looking
like he would punch him anytime.

"Start now." Professor engine shouted and we all started to find an empty space to stun each other.

Draco walked to his position and I did to. He gave me a naughty smirk and I smirked back..

3..2..1, 'stupefy', we both shouted at the same time , our spark met and we both flew backwards.

Draco ran over to help me up, " are you okay?" He said as he helped me pat the dirt on the floor off my dress . I blushed as he did so.


I turned to face him and harry who looked dumbfounded. Ron had his hands on his hip and he looked really mad. His entire face was as red as a tomato !

Draco let go of me and pointed his wand at Ron ," what? Jealous?"

I could hear Ron growl and my stomach started churning. What should I do?

Draco took a step forward to Ron.
"How about we duel?", He smirked .

Ron growled again and nodded .
"See you in the hospital wing, Malfoy!"

"I think it should be you, WEASLEY!" Draco emphasised clearly.

I was worried and scared , I never wanted any of my friends to get hurt.

"Stop .. please!", I tried to scream.

Draco turned to me and smiled, "don't worry , I will be okay ."

I felt my heart sank. Don't do it..

Ron and Draco both raised their wands to each other and i panicked .
"Harry..!!", I pleaded. He seemed just as panicky as I am .



There you go! What do you think will happen?

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