chapter 6~head prefects

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~draco's point of view~
  I woke up  feeling a cold hand on my forehead . I opened my eyes , I can't believe it , I'm in the hospital wing . The weasley must have threw a really hard spell , I still felt my head hurting.
   Hermoine was sleeping with her head on the bead and her hand on my forehead. I smiled . I was so lucky to have her .

   The moment of happiness was immediately broken when the door of the hospital wing was pulled open roughly. It was ron, Ginny and harry.

  They rushed in , waking hermoine up in a jerk and she almost fell backwards.

   Jerks. I closed my eyes again, attempting to pretend still being knocked out.

  I opened a little bit of my eyes and saw Ron staring at me , then hermoine with jealously.

  "Bloody hell hermoine , if you are going to do this , I must as well be the one lying there."

   I didn't quite get him at first . Harry started," hermoine , you haven't eaten for a day , why don't you come with us , he will be fine.."

   I turned to look at hermoine , she seemed quite pale and upset and she did not say a word . Soon, she started sobbing in her arms .

   My heart broke as she did that , I really want to wake up and hug her but I had to resist my urge to continue to hear their conversation.

   Hermoine kept sobbing and Ginny went forward to comfort her . Soon , she started mumbling," it''m...sorry."

    Ron shook his head and harry just stood there resisting to say something.

   I started to feel even more guilty. She's crying for me . I felt a pang on my heart.
    After around ten minutes,the group finally managed to push hermoine out of the hospital wing and let her rest.

    I heaved a sign of relief when the door closed and opened my eyes . Why is hermoine so nice to me? I could still remember the night we kissed. I didn't even know if she really liked me .

   I jumped out of bed quickly even though I still felt a little dizzy . Mdm pomfrey came in after she heard me,"are you sure you are ok dear?"
She felt for my pulse and after a while,she let me go to continue my classes.

    I did not go the first two classes of the day as I was too guilty when I thought of seeing hermoine . 

   Soon, it was time for charms. I knew I couldn't hide from her forever.

   I carried my bag and walked towards the classroom . I was late as usual and the professor announced my arrival.

   "Ah Malfoy... Late. 10 points from Slytherin." I rolled my eyes and looked around . Hermoine was staring at me with her chocolate brown eyes . She looked tired but when she saw me , her eyes brightened and she smiled a bit . I smiled back and all my worries of seeing her was gone.

   I took the seat beside her and I was grateful only Ginny was present in charms that day. This way I didn't have to battle with Ron again . 

    ~hermoine's point of view~
  Draco sat beside me , I could already smell spearmint coming from him , I really wanted to hug him now .

    I stopped the urge to talk to him and focused throughout the lesson.

   After lesson , I walked out with Ginny and Draco trailing behind me .

   Suddenly,professor McGonagall stepped forward and called me and Draco to her office.

    Professor McGonagall left to her office immediately. I shot Draco a shocked look. Have I done something wrong? Draco shrugged and followed me to the office.

   We were in the office with professor McGonagall and she motioned us to sit down. My hands were shaking, I have never been called to the head mistress before.

   Draco saw my shivering hand and put his hand on mine. His warm hand engulfed all my fear. At the corner of my eyes I smiled at him. He gave my hand a squeeze.

      "Both of you have been appointed as the head prefects.", Professor McGonagall said .

    I couldn't believe my ears. I have always wanted to be a head prefect! My face lit up immediately and I looked at Draco . He has lots of mix feelings on his face. Happiness,shock,fear,confusion. I totally understand how he feels..well after all, he was a death eater and managed to gain professor McGonagall's trust so quickly . This time,i gave his hand a squeeze.

   "You both have a common room and two rooms for yourselves." My eyes opened wide. Our own common room? no way...

   "After much consideration,i believe that you two will work the best together, and Mr Malfoy, I believe you changed."

   Draco's hand relaxed and his eyes soften . If I'm not wrong , I could see a glisten of tears at the corner of his light grey eyes.

   "now, the password for the room is prefects , easy?"

   I nodded vigorously. "Off you two go then, there will also be a ceremony soon to announce you two as head prefects officially."

   "Yes professor.", I pulled Draco up and let go of his hand.

   We walked straight to the room for us excitedly.

   "Prefects." , I said.

   The portrait of professor snape swung open immediately.

   The common room was smaller but cosy enough. I went straight to my room. The wall was painted blue and although it was plan, it was perfect and huge.

   Draco checked out his room too.

   "I'm going to get my stuff!", I shouted back to Draco who didn't reply.

   I ran back to the gryfindor's common room and said,"chess."

   "Yes dear.." , the fat lady swing open.

   I ran in, excited to tell harry , Ginny and Ron.

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