chapter 8~ see you then

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~hermoine's pov~

   I skipped to the great hall and went to the gryfindor's table where harry , Ron and Ginny already sat.

   Ginny shifted a little to give me a space to sit,"what took you so long?" She said while eating a sausage.

   "Unpacking my things..",I smiled at her and she raised an eyebrow at me.

   Harry suddenly tapped on Ron's shoulder (sitting opposite to me) and Ron faced me with a guilty face.

   "I'm...sorry about .. just now, I didn't mean to..I just..dont want you to get hurt..", he stared at me .

   I nodded and looked away, picking up a chicken wings sitting on a Golden plate and silently chewing on it.

    "Will you forgive me?", Ron's voice sounded again and I looked up , stopping my chewing.

    I am a very forgiving person. But I really don't know how to face Ron now that I start falling for Draco (knowing that he always loved me). I gulped and nodded again, forcing a tiny smile on my face. He smiled back silently and use his fock to pick up a nugget.

    "Do you want it?", He said raising up his nugget at my mouth. I shook my head and my eyes travelled to harry who gave me an 'accept the nugget' face. I looked down again and buried my face in my food.

   I saw Ron's hand lower down and he started eating the nugget with harry comforting him.

    I looked to the Slytherin table trying to find Draco but he wasn't there . I went back to my food. Maybe he is still in the common room..

   A clicking sound sounded in the entire hall and the students all silenced themselves.

   Professor McGonagall stepped forward and started," Students, I'm happy to announce that there will be a ball held by our school for students to get a chance to know each other better. "

   I saw ron's eyes immediately going to mine and within seconds,he begin tapping on my hand.

   I looked at him hesitantly.. he wants to go with me to the ball... I was expecting someone else...

    "Will you go to the ball with me?",he smiled hopefully. I remembered the last ball (Yule ball) which I went with Victor . Ron was really mad and I was too, asking him to ask me earlier if he wanted to go with me. Now i wished I didn't.

   My eyes went to Ginny and then harry . Ginny gave me a unfortunate look (she probably noticed I didn't want to go with Ron). Harry gave me a thumbs up. I sighed mentally,i guess I have to just go with it..

   I nodded and Ron smiled happily at me, eyes glistering. I looked away from him and continued to listen to professor McGonagall .

   "The ball will be in exactly five days , you all should start preparing to ask your friends.". She stepped down and went back to sit down,"continue the feast please."

   I went back to eating.

   After finishing my chicken wing, I  immediately walked back to my common room.

   Ginny caught up with me,"why are you going back so early?"

   I sighed and caught Ginny's mischievous eyes.

   Ginny screamed,"I knew it!"

   "Knew what?"

   "You don't want to go with Ron , right?"

   I nodded nervously.

   "It's ok.."

   "One question..who do you want to go with?"

   She gave me a puppy face and I gave in,"okay fine, you are my best friend so I will tell you , but please don't tell anyone else!"

   Ginny nodded.

   "I want to go with ... Draco."

   I thought she's going to be really mad but she smiled," I trust your judgement about Draco but if he does something to you, tell me ok? I'm going to punch him here,and there."

   She punched the air and I laughed . "Okay sure."

   I waved goodbye to her and continued down the hall back to the common room.

   Snape saw my face and started speaking," hello Ms Granger, I've got some news for you."

   "I changed the password.",he smirked.

   "What is it then,professor?"

  He smirked again,"I'm not going to tell you." He folded his arms.

   I rolled my eyes with some years gathering . Even though professor Snape was always awful to me and my friends but, after the war, I learnt lots from him.

   Snape continued taunting and talking to me and I said," prefects ."

  Snape was forced to swing open and he grumbled,"oh come on."

   I chuckled and walked in, the lights were off. I turned on the lights and Draco scared me by popping out right in my face ,"boo."

   I dropped all my books and let out a tiny whimper.

   "Sorry.",he helped me up and I glared at him. I walked to my room.


  I turned .please don't ask me..

  "Will you go with me to the ball?",he blushed lightly.

   "Draco...I'm so sorry..Ron asked me and I .. I couldn't say"

   His smile disappeared immediately.

   "I'm sorry...I really want to.."

  Draco stopped me,"it's ok, I understand.."

   He started smiling again,his grey eyes shining brightly," meet me after the ball. At the field outside the school."

   "See you then."  I smiled back ,my heart fluttering profusely.

    I walked into my room , satisfied and ready to meet the next day.




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