chapter 13 ~ unfortunate situation

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~hermoine's point of view~
My heart stopped. Ron just asked me to be his girlfriend.

He looked at me intently and I couldn't refuse. I never rejected anyone in my life before.

I was reluctant but I had no choice.

"Ok ,yes I will be your girlfriend..", I gave him a fake smile.

He held my hand suddenly and gave me a kiss.

I tried not to struggle when he kissed me and tried to act natural .

He kissed me vigorously and I finally managed to push him away , breathing heavily.

"What's wrong hermoine?"

"Just .. not here..", I fake smiled again.

"That was amazing..",Ron laughed and I gave a sarcastic laugh back to him.

"We..better get going?", I smiled again. Ron shrugged and whispered ,"meet me in the gryfindor's common room later at night."

I shivered at his voice and when his eyes met mine again , I nodded.

I ran off without looking back or waiting for him. What should I do? I don't like Ron..but I don't want to hurt him..

I went back to hogwarts, back to my common room with the new cat and the present Ron gave me.


Snape didn't say anything and swung open quickly.

Draco was inside and he was lying on the floor , unconscious, blood spilling out of his body. It was as bad as yesterday night's.

I quickly placed him on the sofa and tried to shake him.

"Draco!Draco wake up!! Please.."

His eyelids fluttered a little and he spoke softly," hermoine.."

"Yes I'm here.."

"It's okay..I'm fine.."

"But you are BLEEDING..",I held his hand tight and gave it a squeeze.

He sat up and I jerked backwards,"I just need to do some healing myself..

After a while , Draco managed to heal himself up and he sat quietly when I started questioning him.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't kNow.."

I sighed and remembered the fury white cat I bought for him . It purred in its cage.

"Draco.. I bought this for you.."

" it?"

"You name it."

"Well then.. coffee, it's name is coffee."

Coffee pured again in agreement and cuddled up on Draco's leg.

I walked towards him a little and without warning, he pulled me into a tiny kiss.

"I missed you."

I chuckled,"it's only less than a day sir."

"I still missed you , your taste, your everything ."

I blushed at him and stared down at the floor , feeling guilty about Ron. Throughout the years we have been together ,i have always had a crush for ron.. Well that was until I officially went with him for a date , i finally thought we weren't suitable for each other.Afterall, he has lavendar to date . I still cant believe Ron wants to date me again .. I guess its just him , unable to let go of me..

My thought were interupted by a hand waving slowly in front of my face.

"Hey .. Are you ok hermione?", Draco smiled .

I nodded , " I better go pack my bag for classes tommorow.." , I randomly gave an excuse and shot off.

I sat and locked my room for the rest of the day . Thinking about Ron and Draco.

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