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Yoongi POV

6:30 PM

Is what my phone read upon waking up. Damn. It's already this late? I yawned and stretched my arms tiredly. Why am I this tired? Interestingly enough, I browsed the room to see where Hoseok went. The room seemed so idle.

Next thing I knew, he stumbled out of the bedroom doorway. My tiresome eyes widened a bit. Hoseok wore very comfortable,workout attire: more or less some adidas sweatpants, a muscle tee, and some black-striped white adidas sneakers. As I noted previously, he has a very fit frame. Very toned arms.

"Where are you off to?" I yawned out.

"Dance 241: Intermediate modern dance class" He smiled widely at me.

"...this late?" I looked at my phone. He nodded.

"I decided to take a night classes on Thursdays. I have dance class for 2 hours today."

"TWO hours straight?"

"Yep! And it's super fun! Wanna join?" He sounded so giddy and eager. His eyes widened with hope and enthusiasm. "The professor isn't strict and doesn't mind an audience" He winked.

I turned him down. I'd rather go to bed, honestly.

"I'll pass. Going to eat and sleep for the night. Have a good class, I guess."

He pouted a bit. Did he really think I'd say 'yes'?

"Thanks." He said quietly, as he scooped up his duffle bag and walked out of the door.

I watched the door slam behind him, and got up a few minutes to lock it.

Well, I thought I was really tired, but in fact, I was just mildly hungry. For now, that is.

I got up from the couch and lurked about the kitchen and my stomach growled rather loudly. I had forgot we hadn't went shopping for the dorm room yet, so I walked over to my suitcase and luckily...found a small bag of chips. Without hesitation I dug through the bag, grabbed a hand full and tossed them into my mouth. Savoring every bit. I also pulled out a piece of paper and pencil and laid on the bed.

Brainstorming, I played some music in the background.

What most people didn't know was, I wrote poetry recreationally. I enjoy writing poems in a small journal at any given time. It's way of expression for me. It's something I find joy in doing. If I don't have the notebook, sometimes I just jot them down in my phone.

I wandered and wrote.

Wrote timeless hours.

Thought for hours.

This process was so relaxing, that I lost track of time. I tend to get lost in time while writing I guess. I munched on the chips, getting lost in thought.

Which resulted in dozing off soon after.

I didn't expect to close my eyes and sleep for the night. Not at all. I went to sleep oddly thinking of Hoseok. The optimistic guy. I don't even know Hoseok. I can't say I've taken a liking to him yet either.

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