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I scrambled underneath the sheets of the mattress, eyes adjusting to the natural light the sun gave off. What was that sound? I yawned tiredly, turning to my phone first.

9:30 AM

FUCK. How can I oversleep like this? My eyes jumped to today's date next:

Friday. Feeling  relieved, I immediately sighed. Thank goodness, I didn't take Friday classes. That would have been tragic.


The sound of knuckles banging onto the dorm door got louder and more impatient. Who the hell is knocking on my door like this? Especially at 9:30 AM? I got up, walked to the bedroom door frame, and heard the knock more prominently. With every step, the sound was clearer. Then I heard,


I was puzzled for a minute. But soon after, reality completely clicked in. All of the amnesia I was having disappeared. Everything made sense now.

That's my roommate, Hoseok. He went to class and never came back here last night. We only have one key. I eyed the golden, rusted key on the wooden kitchen table. He was locked out the whole night.

Shit Shit shit I thought to myself. He must be pissed off. In yesterday's clothing, I walked to the front of the door, unhooked the first lock. I then proceeded to slowly twist the knob, as if the impact of the upcoming blow would lessen. He can't be that mad, right? I mean... it was a mistake. I wouldn't intentionally lock him out--

"HYUNG!" He yelled boldly . The look on his face was nothing I've seen from him thus far. His heart shaped lips that are usually pressed into a goofy smile had instead bared clenched teeth. He had turmoil in his eyes, his eyebrows notably in distress. His whole figure seemed to be enraged. I didn't know what to say. And I doubt a "sorry" would suffice. His body was quivering, but I couldn't quite figure out if it was from his rage or if it was from the air-conditioned hallways.

"I--" I began.

"No." He abruptly cut me off and pushed his way pass me. I closed the front door, and eyed him.

"Listen Hoseok---"

"If you dislike me, fine, so be it, but to lock me out of my room, that I too have to pay tuition for? Are you serious?"

"I didn't do it on purpose! I fell asleep, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. I knew from the start you hated me. But do you have that much anger in your life?"


"How CAN I?" He lashed out, his tone got noticeably louder and furious. It's like his words were striking mine down with each blow. "Wow, you are seriously the worst..."

"What about you? You're very annoying. Prancing around here like its a party or something. You don't have to smile so much."

"Well at least I don't have, 'annoyed' written all on my face. Smiling is a good thing...but that's the least of my worries. How can you just fall asleep? What college student falls asleep at 8:00 PM anyway?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, Hoseok, I'm sorry--"

"If you were so sorry, you wouldn't have done it..."

"You still think this was on purpose, huh? Get over it. How many times do I need to apologize anyway?"

"Do you hear yourself? This is the problem. You aren't friendly at all. You are nothing like me. You are so unforgiven, rude and downright mean! How can I forgive you?"

"Then don't forgive me. I don't need to beg."

"Well good! I just hope you know. I don't trust you anymore. Thanks hyung." He dropped his duffle bag next to the couch and stomped towards the bathroom, Not looking back.

I sighed angrily Who does he think he is? It isn't even that big of a deal. It's not like he was left outside. He was still in the dorms! It's just the dorm hallway! His bag was open. I peered through the opening curiously,

I spotted two sodas toppled on some snacks. He seemed have brought back enough food for the dorm room for both of us. I sighed. This is a great way to start the semester. I proceeded to the bedroom.


Room [Yoonseok]Where stories live. Discover now