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Hoseok POV 

I entered our vacant, quiet dorm room around 7 pm. I was quite tired and ready to sleep. Yoongi was probably already asleep, I thought to myself.  I slid my worn out sneakers off of my feet and walked towards to the bedroom. To my surprise, Yoongi wasn't there. 

I let out a sigh, and laid on the lonesome, comfortable bed. The room felt weird without Yoongi there. I got myself situated on the bed, before remembering I needed to shower first. I got up, but my eyes locked onto something quite curiously. Yoongi's cellphone.

How can he forgot something so precious? Around me? I smirked to myself and picked it up. I unlocked the passcode to his phone rather quickly. 

A thought crossed my mind that I should have left it there but honestly, what was he going to do about it?  He shouldn't have made the room number his cellphone passcode.

I browsed through his photo app, curious as to what Yoongi did when I wasn't around him. Me and him didn't have the same friend group and we didn't hang out 24/7, so I know he did different things on his own time. I only saw him in the dorm room.  

I decided to browse through his photos for photos of him. And boy did he look good. 

Wait..I mean, he looks like a pretty nice fella. 

I open up the camera of his phone, and decided to add to his photo collection and snapped a selfie really quick. 

He barely had any photos of himself but I skimmed through regardless, curious about more. I browsed and browsed until I saw this folder called untitled on it. I clicked it quickly and saw that  he had saved the dance videos of me that I had spammed him with on the regular. He always told me he didn't particularly care, but deep down inside, I guess he did. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't hold in my smile. I looked through more his phone and noticed he also saved the pictures that we had taken together even though he swore he'd delete them. I keep looking until the phone was snatched out of my hand promptly.

I gasped and looked up immediately. To my surprise, Yoongi stood infront of me, eyes narrowing at my nervous, anxious face.

"H-hyung---Oh hi" I said, smiling and laughing. "Geez, don't scare me like that!"

"What are you doing on my phone?" He stared into my eyes, surprisedly not angered.

"Just browsing, y'know? How could you leave your phone behind? What kind of college student are you?"

"Shut up, I went to buy some dinner for...both us. There wasn't anything in here to eat."

And with that said, my stomach growled, as I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast time. 

I got up quickly, "Man you are awesome. I'm glad you're my roommate." I smiled and went to the kitchen for food. 


As Hoseok went towards the kitchen, Yoongi looked at phone and noticed that the 'untitled' folder had went through his phone and saw the folder. "S-shit." he blushed ever so slightly. "I should probably delete this." he quietly stated until he noticed that Hoseok had changed the title to yourhope.png♡ Yoongi sighed and just closed the photos app out instead. Well, I guess not He thought to himself. 

"Hyung, come on! The foods going to get cold" Hoseok called out from the dining area. 

"Alright, alright" Yoongi responded. Before, turning his phone off, he saw the new photo Hosoek had taken of himself  and decided to add it to the folder. 

Afterwards, he received a new message.

Seoks  7:20 PM

Aw, hyung it's so cute when you are shy. You should just be more honest with me. 

Yoongi  7:20 PM

Shut up.  Don't call me cute. And don't go through my phone. So nosy.

Seoks 7:22 PM 

Oops. Too late. ;) 

Yoongi 7:23 PM

Stop texting me and just talk. You are literally in the next room.

Hoseok let out a loud chuckle  from the dining area before calling out to Yoongi again. Yoongi finally went to join Hoseok for dinner. 

He sat at the table and they both chatted away about their day, stuffing their face with delicious food. Everything was going smoothly until Hoseok popped a curious question.

"So hyung, are you currently seeing anyone?" Hoseok asked between mouthfuls. 

Yoongi looked up from his plate. "Why?" 

"Well, I'm just curious..." 

"Is it because you want to see me?"

"Yes." Hoseok said automatically.

Yoongi almost choked on his food from Hoseok's forwardness.

"You see me everyday." 

"Yeah, well I want to actually, dat--I mean we should hang out more." Hoseok himself didn't know what he was saying. He had been single for quite sometime and he missed some sort of romantic connection. Not just from anyone though. After being heartbroken from his ex, he decided to take a break. But he wanted to be able to cuddle and confide in someone in a romantic way. He missed that. 

Something about Yoongi was just that kind of interesting. He loved how he didn't know much about Yoongi. They barely hung out and barely knew too much about each other, but he thought it was a safe consideration. After all, if things didn't work out, the semester was nearly ending, and he would be able to move to a different room next semester. 

"Sure." Yoongi responded. "Let's hang out more often. I'm interested in you too." He smirked a bit. 

"Y'know hyung, when I saw hang out, I don't mean you taking naps and just laying in bed all day."

"You can join me if you like."

"A-are you flirting with me?"Hoseok playfully winked outwardly, but on the inside his heart fluttered. 

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Shut up before I change my mind. Let's start with tomorrow. Let's go to see a movie after classes."


A/N: I always feel like writing around 2 AM lmao oops what sleep 

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