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"Huh?! You've never dated before...like EVER?" Hoseok loudly announces, gawking into Yoongi's eyes. The two of them were seated in the second to last row of the cinema, already situated with snacks and drinks. The movie would start in 20 minutes but they decided to arrive early. 

Yoongi, somewhat embarrassed, flushed a bright scarlet as Hoseok begin to cackle hysterically. Knee-slapping and head thrown back. Was it even that funny?

"Quiet down, would you?" Yoongi hissed, while tossing pieces of popcorns in Hoseok's amused face. "Way to go, announcing that to the whole theater..."  Yoongi turned away and slouched into the seat, face sinking into his hoodie, as he tried to hide his humiliation. 

"Ah hyung, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! It's just, I didn't expect you to say that!"

Yoongi turned to face Hoseok once again."What do I look like? A fuckboy or something?"

"Perhaps!" Hoseok states jokingly. He chucked once more before Yoongi tossed more popcorn at him. "It's just...I'd taught you'd have a lot of experience, because you are caring, calm, and have an attractive--" Hoseok abruptly stopped and picked up his soda hurriedly and started sipping it. 

Yoongi titled his head, somewhat lost. His eyes had soften as he preceded to eating a handful of popcorn. 

"...and you? You've dated before?" Yoongi asks, somewhat curious. 

"Of course I have~" Hoseok teased in a sing-song voice. Yoongi groaned and turned toward the screen as the lights deemed, indicating the movie would start. Hoseok only playfully nudged Yoongi in response. 


Around 9 PM, the two of them walked out of the movie theater. Hoseok was clinging onto Yoongi, shaking nervously, while Yoongi continued to munch on the popcorn.

"Why'd you choose that movie?!" Hoseok nearly screamed at Yoongi. " I had no idea the genre was horror!"

"I had no idea it was a horror either." Yoongi continued to stuff his face with popcorn, unfazed. "Eh..maybe it's karma for shit talking about my single life." He then turned to Hoseok, lips forming into the most spiteful smirk. 

Hoseok eyes narrowed in on Yoongi, as he released his grip off of him. Yoongi laughed a bit.

"Aw, you won't be too afraid tonight, right?" Yoongi teased back.

"No" Hoseok whispered as they continued out of the theater into the dark city sidewalk. The wind picked up as they walked down the block.

"So, how many people have you dated in the past?" Yoongi asked.

" Oh? You're interested in my romantic past?"

"Yeah, I am."

"..well, only 2 people. One serious relationship."

"Hmm.." Yoongi let out in a deep tone. "Was the last one serious?"


"What was it like?"

"He was someone I confided in. Someone who seemed trustworthy and really sweet. But underneath his smile, he was sly as a snake...." Hoseok trailed off, brain clouding by the minute. 

Yoongi only inquired more. "Why did it end? What happened?"

Hoseok sucked in his breath. "I'd rather not say." His voice had become unusually shaky, and his eyes were suddenly filled with hurt. Yoongi picked it automatically, as Hoseok let out a pained, forced laugh.

"Fuck him. Let's grab something to eat." Yoongi suddenly gripped Hoseok's hand tightly. "That movie was something else, wasn't it?"

Hoseok was taken aback, humming in agreement. He let Yoongi lead the way to the near by restaurant, as the leaves ruffled through the night sky.

Everything seemed like it was going so fast. 

Was this a good idea?  Hoseok thought to himself. Would it be okay?  He somewhat pondered for a minute. But these thoughts only faded into the back of his head as his eyes focused on Yoongi's warm hand.

Besides, taking risks are worth sometimes, right?

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