Missing You-Drew

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Your boyfriend Drew has been on tour for six months now, and you guys haven't had the time to have long conversations like you used to. You heard your phone ring and went to see what set off your phone. It was a text from Drew. "Hey babe. Go on Skype," it said. And that's what you did. I got a call from Drew and you answered it. "Hey (Y/N). I miss seeing your beautiful face," he said. Leave it to Drew to say the most romantic things. "You know, I'm coming home soon," he said. "I can't wait. I've missed being around you," you said. You've missed his touch, his kiss, his eyes bearing into yours, everything. A guy whispered into Drew's ear and Drew looked sad. "What's wrong," you asked sounding concerned. "I'm on tour for a bit longer," he said. "How much longer," you asked, sounding scared. You bit your lip. "A month longer," he said, looking down. You just stared at the screen, speechless. "I love you (Y/N)," he said and ended the chat. "I love you too Drew," you whispered.

You went to your room and looked over all the photos you and Drew took together. There weren't a lot since he was on tour most of the time you guys were dating, but at least it was something. You saw all the good times you and Drew had and realized that the extra month away won't do anything but make your and Drew's relationship stronger. He did say "I love you."

After a week of Drew's announcement, you heard a knock on your door. You answered to have someone put their lips on yours. You push away to see it was Drew who had kissed you. You looked into Drew's eyes and he said, "I couldn't bear being away from you any longer." You blushed. "I love you too," you said. He looked shocked and then kissed you again. "My concert is a few hours away, want to come? I'm sure the others would be happy to see you again too," he said. "Sure, but let me change into something better," you said. "No time," he said, picking you up over his shoulder and putting you down in his car. "You look perfect," he said, starting the car. You kissed him. "You are an idiot, you know that," you said playfully. "I'm your idiot," he said, tapping your nose.

At the concert, Drew would not leave your side unless he had to perform. He held you and touched you every chance he got. It was like he was clingy. You liked it. Not every girl can saw that Drew Chadwick from Emblem 3 was a clingy boyfriend. You asked him why he was so clingy, he gave you the best answer ever, "I've missed you so much (Y/N). You are the best girlfriend I've ever had. I've haven't spent a lot of time with you and I'm making that lost time now. I want to spend every minute I can with you because I love you." You looked into his eyes and kissed him. "I love you too. You are the best thing that happened to me," you said. You held him hoping that this moment would last forever.

***Sidenote: Anyone see their XFactor performance of "Just For One Day"? #E3Homecoming!! Back to business. Hope you enjoyed this imagine!! One will be up tomorrow to commerate Wesley's birthday!! Vote, Comment, and Follow/Fan. You know the spiel. I'm writing a new book, check it out!!! The Destined One!! Requests are open, Info is in the Book Description!! You are all wonderfull people!!***

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