Keaton Imagine for Greer

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I looked at my watch. Mark was supposed to meet me ten minutes ago. What's wrong? He normally calls or texts me when he'll be running late. Recently, he's been acting like a complete jerk. Grr. Why does he do this? This is his fourth time doing this. I just sit there waiting and all of a sudden, I get a text from him that says "Hey babe. I'm not coming today. Sorry." He doesn't even bother to tell me why. I just sit there upset and decided to text him back. "You know what? You don't have to come to the date. You know why? Cuz we're over." We were supposed to go somewhere. He told me to meet him at the bus stop. I leaned back against the chair and closed my eyes when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. It was a guy and he said, "The bus is here." I opened my eyes and saw the bus he was talking about.  I thanked him and climbed on the bus. I paid my fare ad sat down. He sat down in the chair next to me. I saw Mark with another girl. I started to cry silently. The guy grabbed me and hugged me. "It's fine. Forget about him. You know what? Let's get off at the next stop. There's an awesome ice cream parlor there," he said. He was right. I need to forget about him. I nodded. 

When we got off, we went into the parlor. I've never been here before. He ordered two banana splits. I smiled and wiped the tears off of my face. When the ice cream came. He dug in. He was inhaling the food. I found it hard to believe that he could breathe between each bite. He's adorable. He caught me staring at him and smiled. "My name is Keaton by the way. What's yours?" he asked "Greer." "One of a kind. It's cute," he said. I blushed. "You need to take your mind off that jerk. He doesn't deserve someone as nice as you. I smiled and said, "I think I have someone else to occupy my mind." "I thought out loud. My bad," I continued, stammering. I ate my ice cream and enjoyed every second. When I finished, Keaton gave the money to the waitress and grabbed my hand. We went outside and I said, "That was nice." Keaton nodded and said, "We should do this again." I just nodded. We traded numbers and walked seperate ways. I think I am going to get over Mark faster than I thought, all thanks to Keaton.

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