Keaton Imagine for Chennye

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As the sun shone brightly, there was nothing more I wanted to do than stay in bed. I felt groggy, as summer break just started. I have nothing to do, and no one to really hang out with. I'm simply bored. Suddenly, my phone goes off and when I pick up, a pissed off Alyssa picked up the phone.

"Where the hell are you? You're late!" I groaned, "I'm home. Sleeping." She shrieked. "Home? Sleeping. You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago." I mumbled some incoherent words under my breath after I remembered what she was talking about. I was supposed to go to the nearby diner. I would be working there for the summer, but I start next week. "I'll be there in, like, 15 minutes." "Make it 10 and I won't violently kill you." "You love me," I gushed. She wasn't having any of it. "Get your ass down here. ASAP."

She hung up,I literally rolled out of bed, hitting the floor. "Stupid," I mumbled to myself. I got up and took a quick shower. "She'd better not complain if I look shitty." I threw on a baggy sweatshirt and leggings, as well as my Converse, before running out my house.

Once I arrived, Alyssa took one look at me and stifled a laugh. "You were 15 minutes late, but since you look like a mess, I'll let it go." I narrowed my eyes at her as I slide my way into the booth. "So?" I wanted an answer. "'So?' What do you mean, 'so?'" "Why'd you bring me here?" "I brought you here because you'll be working here, so you need to know what's good or not, since some people ask you. What's the one thing you're afraid to eat?" I groaned. "I don't eat the Texas Burger. It looks like it can give me a heart attack." Alyssa smirked, and I was afraid of her devious plan, whatever it is. I gave her a cautious glare before running to the bathroom.

When I came back, a smile was plastered across Alyssa's face. "What did you do?" "Nothing." I stared at her intently, watching her giggle.

Soon enough, our waiter came around with our food. She must have ordered while I was in the bathroom. "Two Texas Burgers." I looked at Alyssa with fear. "Come on. The grease won't hurt you. Not now at least." The entire diner stared at us.

The Texas Burger was 5 inches tall with a radius of 6. I was staring a beast in the face. I looked around, and saw a cute boy smiling at me. At that moment, I had to be brave. I'm doing this for mystery cutie. I stuffed my face with the burger, not trying to eat it all at once. Despite all the grease and cholesterol, it tasted great. I guess it was stupid to think about it as deadly. I finished the burger and smiled at the boy. He got up and began to make his way towards me. I shook in nervousness. "Hi my name is Keaton. The way you took on the Texas Burger was epic." I turned to my left and saw the boy there smiling down at me. When did he get here? "Um. Thanks. My name is Chennye." "So, you always come here?" "No, but I'll be working here." "Well, I'ma regular, so I'll see you again." He made his way out. "See you." After he left, Alyssa smirked at me. "You go girl!" I rolled my eyes, and stared at the window. "I'll see you again for sure."
Hey guys. I'm continuing the imagines, so continue requesting. Sorry this took so long. My friend killed herself, so I excused myself from social media. I'm fine now. See you soon my sexy penguins.

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