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"Do I really have to go," Wesley whined. It was Thanksgiving and you were taking him to your family dinner. "Yes. My parents have been dying to meet you," you said. You've been saying nothing but great things about him. "And," he said. He isn't really happy to meet your parents because he's afraid that they won't accept him. "And you love me," you said, hugging him. "Yes I do babe," he said kissing you on the forehead. "So will you come to my parent's house," you asked. "Yes, I will. Only because I love you. But hopefully you make it worthwhile," he said, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. "The food is definitely worthwhile. Trust me," you said.. He smiled and nodded. He pecked you on the lips before leaving to pack your stuff. 

After Wesley was done packing, you helped him load everything into the car. The car ride was weirdly silent. Wesley was very nervous. You turned the radio on to kill the silence. The radio played Garden Grove by Sublime and Wesley got really happy. The anxiety just dissappeared from his face. He sang along and drummed on the steering wheel along to the song. 

When you guys arrived to your parent's house Wesley looked scared. You smiled an assuring smile and held his hand. He looked at your hand and then looked at you. He kissed you, opened the door, walked out and opened the door for me. He can be such a gentleman. He grabbed the bags out of the trunk and walked to the house. He stood there and looked at the door. You hugged him. "Everything will be fine. I promise," you said. He smiled and kissed you. "You are the best girlfriend anyone can ask for," he said. You knocked on the door and your mother answered. This was the first time Wesley had dinner with  your family, but it certainly wasn't the last. There would be many more Thanksgivings with Wesley and your family.

***Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy yourself and enjoy this imagine!! Follow, vote and comment!! Requests are still open!***

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