His 18th Birthday-Keaton

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You were at the club, dancing the night with your best friend, (Y/B/F/N), when you saw two guys standing at the entrance. You nudged your best friend and pointed towards the boys. She giggled and smiled at you. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's start chatting," she said.

You both began to walk towards them. You fixed your black mini-dress and fixed your heels, wanting to look cute. One of them saw you and nudged his friend and smirked. His pink lips were emphasized by his piercing. He ran a hand through his quiffed brown hair. He walked towards you and (Y/B/F/N), but his sea green eyes never left your (Y/E/C) eyes. "Hi," he said. "Hi. I'm (Y/N)," you said. "My name is Keaton, but you call me tonight," he said, winking. "Like I haven't heard that one before," you said, rolling my eyes. "Hey, cut me some slack. I always forget what I want to say to a beautiful girl. That's always my backup," he said. "Well maybe your own words would work better than any pickup lines. Try and see where that gets you," you said seductively. He stumbled over the word, "Well." I smiled. "Hi, I'm Keaton. I think you are beautiful and I like to get to know you better," he said, scratching his head. you smiled. "See, that doesn't hurt. And I would love to get to know you better," you smiled. He whispered to himself, "That actually worked!" "So who's the guy you brought with you," you asked, looking at the giant talking to (Y/B/F/N). "Oh that's Luke," he said.

"So, since you wanted to talk, let's talk. What brought you here tonight," you asked. He answered, "Today is my, well, our," he started pointing between him and Luke emphasizing the word "our", "Birthday." "How old are you turning," you squealed in excitement. "Eighteen," he responded. "You're barely legal, but that's fine. I'm barely legal too," you joked.

"Well, let's go check up on Luke and your friend," he suggested. You look at (Y/B/F/N) and Luke to see that they are in the middle of a heated makeout session. "Let's do it another time. I'm sure they're fine," you said.

"Want to do something to kill some time," he asked. "What do you have in mind," you asked, raising an eyebrow. "This," he murmured, bringing your face closer to his. He kissed you with a passion. You returned the kiss. He licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you gladly accepted. You played with lip ring.

All of a sudden, you heard a cough behind you. You broke away to see Luke and (Y/B/F/N) standing there. Keaton looked down blushing. "Hey, we didn't interrupt your make our session, why interrupt mine," you said sternly. A smile crept onto your face. Now it was Luke's turn to blush. Keaton hugged you from behind. "Would you like to be my girlfriend," Keaton whispered from behind. "Now you aren't embarrased of PDA," you said. He blushed again. You turned around and kissed him, " Of course I'll be your girlfriend," you said pulling away. "Stop making out and let's go," (Y/B/F/N) said. " Why don't you go and eat each other's faces off like you did earlier, " you said. A horrified look took over her face. "Bitch," she muttered pulling Luke away. "Love you too," you yelled after her. "So, want to finish off where we started," you asked. "Sure," he said as he smiled. You two made out and had much more fun later ;)

***I'm Baaaaack!! Miss me? Sorry school and Regents sucked, along with writers block. I'm just in awe that this adorable guy is now 18!!! And that damn piercing is giving me feels. And I got I new book called Dust to Ashes and a 5SOS imagine book out for you guys. Love you guys!!! Alura out <3***

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