September 26, 2016

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I don't understand something. I used to be a person that would rarely ever get sick, and now I've gotten sick two times in one month. I've also had to miss two days of school because of said sicknesses, and I am not okay with that. It's really hard to catch up on work in high school, so I'm not looking forward to doing make-up work...

Anyways, I spent my day today sleeping and hydrating. Real fun... When I did finally wake up, though, I got some homework done and some organizing in my room. So I didn't completely waste my day. Not to mention I still went to my counseling appointment, so I am starting to feel better.

I enjoyed my Saturday, though. I got to go to a friend's 17th birthday party, and I had a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever eaten so much food... I had waffles, chicken tenders, ice cream, a cupcake, and a s'mores. I went home with such a big stomachache, but it was worth it. I got to laugh a lot at the party, and me and my best friend got to do some much needed talking since we only have one class with each other this year. It was nice having someone listen to the issues I've been debating in my head lately, and I was glad she was there with me.

I do hope everyone has been doing well. I hope you like my new profile picture of Ariel. I was looking at Disney pictures and I found that one. I really liked how it looked similar to the character art from FusionFall, so I decided to make it my profile picture.

And I hope you do take the time to listen to the song at the top. It's a cover of Adele's Hello, by the lead singer of the J-Rock group ONE OK ROCK. They are my absolute favorite J-Rock group, and Taka's voice sounds awesome.

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