Special Chapter - If I Could Have Voted

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On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, America waited while holding their breath for the results of the election of our new president. I had hope that maybe, just maybe, people were actually smart enough to choose a person who would be good for America.

Maybe I have too much faith in my fellow American.

I am a 16 year old female who lives in America. I am of Mexican, Native American, German, Irish, and Welsh descent. Just like everyone else, I am the result of so many nations coming together to create something new. Something extraordinary.

I am an equalist as well. I believe that everyone should be treated the same, despite their ethnicity, sexuality, gender, or any other things that make us beautifully unique. I am personally someone who does not identify with one sexuality. I am someone who likes a person based on them, not their gender. I like who I like, and I don't have to label myself as any one thing.

I am also someone looking to go to college in the next few years, as I finish up school. I would love to become a Video Game Designer, but I also want to be an Activist as well.

On election day, those who voted had the opportunity to choose someone who would protect my rights as a minority, on so many different levels. I am a female. I am a part of the LGBT community, as well a strong supporter of those within the community. And I am also someone who was born of many different aspects of this world. Sadly, those who did vote did not make this choice. They voted for Donald Trump, someone who hates every aspect of who I am.

I had so much hope that Hillary Clinton would win, and start a new era of American history. Sadly, the only thing I got was a huge step back for American progress.

I am now threatened for being who I am. Not only myself, but many of the people who I am close to are part of the group that is the source of his bigotry. I am disgusted that this man, who has said so many horrible things and plans to do horrible things as well, is able to be our 45th president. This event just adds to the entitlement of the rich and powerful in America.

The rest of us will get left behind.

I am not someone of power. I have had to work my ass off for my position in my school, considering I'm in the top 20 of my class. I have not paid my way through life. I come from a family with little money, and a family that is running out of money. I fear everyday that I may lose my home, my comfort, and that I won't be able to go to college and become something more than this. I am the victim of abuse, from both friends and family. My father lives all the way across the country, and the rest of my family except my mother and my grandmother doesn't give a damn about me.

I am the result of so many different things coming together, and I aim to stand up for everything I am and am not. But sadly, the American people won't. I had faith we were making progress, and I hoped that maybe we'd finally catch up with the rest of the world.

If I could have voted, I would have voted to protect every single thing I hold dear in this world. I would have voted for not only myself, but also the people that have no voice.

When 2020 comes, I will be able to vote. I can promise I will make my voice heard, and I will stand up for every voice that has been silenced for too long.

And I am truly sorry to all of those who were negatively affected by these decisions. I can't promise anything, but I truly hope things will get better. I will continued fighting to make things right, and I will not be giving up. Have hope that things will get better.

That's all we can do right now.

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