October 14, 2016

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Who am I kidding anymore? Honestly? Who? I can't trust a single person fully because obviously no one fucking trusts me.

Do I even really matter to this fucking world? I make the same fucking progress that every other person does, and who gives a fuck about me? No one. No one ever gives a damn. No one gives me any thought.

I try helping people, and I'm ignored.

I try making a difference in this world. It goes unnoticed.

I make art and stories, but who actually spares a moment of their precious time to even notice. No one in my real life does.

And my mom. My mom who I am the closest to in this whole damn world doesn't even trust me enough to make the right choices in life. She doesn't trust that the people around me will either.

As usual, I am alone as ever. No one ever gives a damn about how I feel. I am always there, and no one fucking cares.

This isn't a fucking suicide note, but it is a note to this world that I fucking give up trying. I'll continue living, but don't ever expect me to try to hard. It never matters any way.

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