February 2, 2017

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God, I feel like I haven't updated anything in forever. Well, here goes nothing.

So, life has been... I don't really know how to describe my life at the moment. It's just... crazy, to say the least.

I love my logic, though. What stresses me out? Drama. What is having auditions next week? Drama. Where am I going to be on Tuesday? Drama auditions. I love how even after having many mental breakdowns and having my butt felt up by other females in drama (which was something I am NOT comfortable with), I'm deciding to go back. I don't understand myself...

Anyways, I did well at my drama production. I got up on stage 3 times, and I was okay every time. No botched lines, no puking or passing out, and no really strong urges to murder everyone. Only some people... That's besides the point though. It was fun both days of the show, and I really enjoyed hanging out with friends, old and new. We'll see how this next show goes... And I have to sing a song at auditions... Yay...

On another note, I'm going to mini-rant here about Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue.

1. Back Cover WAS SO FUCKING SHORT!! I mean, you think it will answer more questions about the series but I just came out from that more confused than I already was.

2. I haven't even beaten BBS yet. IT IS SO BORING SO FAR!! It is a struggle just to play it.

3. I beat Dream Drop Distance, like, 5 years ago. I don't know why I need to play it again... I was really disappointed by the way they made Sora seem like a complete dumbass. I will come for you Square Enix! How dare you portray him in such a way!

Overall, the game wasn't really something that needed to be bought. It was really disappointing, especially considering all the hype that had been built up about it. I wish they had made Back Cover better, especially since they got such amazing voice actors to do it, and then they wasted that (Voice of Noctis is also the voice of Master of Masters :P).

Of course had to get it, though. I won't let myself not buy a Kingdom Hearts game. I want to keep my title of having all the games in some form or another.

Onto more of my personal news, I'm going fucking crazy right now. My grandma has been insane, and it doesn't help that she isn't properly medicated for her bipolar. And she just got declined for a job, so she'll probably be treating Mom and I like shit for awhile. And she'll be home more...

Sometimes I feel like there is no such thing as peace or happiness in my life. Whenever things look better, it all goes to hell again. I guess that just comes with being in my family... None of us have had particularly great lives... I don't want to accept that fate, but it's really hard...

And with college just around the corner, I've just been stressing so much. I know places I want to go, I just can't imagine ever being able to pay for them. My family is running out of money, and my grandma doesn't even sound interested with helping me pay at all. I don't want to take out loans, but I want out of my home so bad. I'm pretty sure I'll end up taking out loans. Yay debt for the rest of my life. Hopefully I'll be able to get merit and academic scholarships, along with grants. Otherwise, I really don't know what I'll do...

Anyways, that's about it for now. There is a lot going on, so I don't want type all of it. I'll have something posted soon. Hopefully...

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