The Last Drakkar
I stood alone, watching, as the stars streamed past the window set into the hull of the B.C. Revenant;
I placed one scaled paw against the slightly curved glass, wondering as I did so, whether I would be able to catch a star, if only I tried hard enough.
That wish, unsurprisingly, proved fruitless, as fruitless as my search for another like me.
In all the years aboard the Revenant, I had yet to find another Drakkar.
I wondered then, if perhaps I wasn't the last, after all; the last Drakkar, the last fighter, the last of everything.
The Drabble
Cerita PendekThe DRABBLE ... A drabble is a short work of fiction of around one hundred words in length. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space. Write a story in any ge...