Chapter 30

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I'm very sorry that all of a sudden I have problem with dedication. Like I've been trying to dedicate this chapter to someone but it just won't work. I've been clicking the dedicate button for numbers of time but it just won't work. I'm so sorry but if it happens to work again next time, I'll make sure to dedicate a chapter to the person who answer it correctly.

For now, I'm just gonna do the dedication like this. Sorry. I'm very sorry for my poor technical skill. So, this chapter is dedicated to my dear GerIta4ever. You guess it correctly and you're even the first one.

I know it's a bit tricky so it surprised me. So the unknown is Kris! *applaude* Enjoy reading!! ;)


"I need to get back," Haeri said as she tried to stand up but suddenly fall down hard to the ground. Her bare knees start to bleed making it mix with some sand. Dirts were on her palms.

"Haeri," Chanyeol helped her to stand up but she refused. "How can you stand up by yourself in this condition. You hurt your legs."

"If I know how to come here by myself, I know how to get back by myself too," she was determined to stand up eventhough her legs wanted to give up.

"Let her do it by herself," Tao said. "We can't broke her. She's determined. Let her do what she wants."

"Uh, sure," Chanyeol nodded.

Haeri sure is stubborn. She stood up once again. At first, she stumble but once she can feel her muscle, she starts to run.

"Wait!" Chanyeol chased after her.

Haeri run along the pathway. She ignored her exhaust and try to get back before midnight. It's eight in the evening. She's been disappearing for hours. She needs to get back home.

Chanyeol feel bad. He realized Haeri was running with tears dropping from her eyes. Things get harder for her. People around her pressure her a lot without their notice. It hurts him to see her forcing herself.

He wished to be a human who can give warmth and comfort to her.


"Where could she be?!" Luhan groaned in frustration. Clearly, all of them decided to stop searching and rest.

"I feel like something bad is happening to her," Sena expresses herself. "It's all my fault."

"No," Hana who had joined them shook her head. "It's not your fault. It's our fault."

"But what if something bad is happening to her?" Sehun feared.

"Nothing bad is going to happen to her. I'm positive," Kyungsoo said unsure.

"Where's Chen?" Baekhyun questioned.

All of them shrugged. "Still upset, I guess," Luhan answered.

It was already night. Dark. All of them are at a certain park. All of a sudden, they saw a girl racing on the path. At first, they couldn't recognize her. They thought it's just another girl.

"It must be very important that she run at time like this," Sehun take a sip of his drink.

"Maybe she's trying to catch a bus that's about to leave. Who knows," Baekhyun guessed.

Hana, who was drinking suddenly choked. All of them stood from their seats and rushed to her. She was coughing.

"Are you okay?" Suho asked.

Hana hit her chest to calm down. She tried to speak up but took time. "Haeri.." she said between cough.

"What?" Sena furrowed her eyebrows.

"Chanyeol," she said next. "I mean that's Haeri!" She exclaimed.

"What?!" All of them averted their gaze to the girl who's running earlier. She's still not far away. Without a second thought, all of them chased after her.

Haeri was too weak that they catch up with her immediately. Kai was the first one to reach her. He grabbed her arm and realized how cold it was. He turned her around and it was true. It's none other than Haeri.

When she stopped, she could no longer feel her legs. So she fell down. She winced in pain when her knees that was bleeding a while ago hit the ground once again. Tears filled up her eyes at the pain on her knees.

"Yah, are you okay?" Kai asked, totally concerned.

Her face was pale. Sweat formed on her forehead. Her lips turn slightly blue. She's shivering. Her skin was cold. It makes everyone worry so much.

"Haeri!" Sena kneel down to the ground and hugged her. "I'm sorry."

Haeri could barely see what's happening. She couldn't picture what was happening. Her vision was blurry. Her eyes barely open. Her mind was elsewhere.

I need to go to Chen, she thought repeatedly.

"Haeri, are you okay?" Kai lightly slapped her forehead since he thought she's about to feel unconscious.

Haeri gather up her little strength. Squeezing her eyes, she stand up with their supports. That's when she realized she's with the others.

"Oh no! Your knees!" Sehun pointed out. "What had happened?"

Haeri was holding onto Kai's arm firmly. She need someone to support her.

"C-Chen," she muttered. When she fully got her voice back, she spoke, "I need to go and see Chen. Where is he?"

"You're like this yet you're thinking about other people?" Sena said furiously. "No. You're going to rest."

"I want to see Chen," her body weakened. She fell into Kai's embrace as he tries to support her to stand up.

"I think we should call Chen," Kai said.

"I'll call him," Hana volunteered. She fished for her phone and starts dialing her.

Kai helped Haeri and make her sit on the bench nearby. Sena handed her drink to her. "Drink it."

They waited for a moment after Hana had finish calling Chen on the phone. Time was ticking and unknowingly, everyone were tired. Haeri fell asleep on Kai's shoulder. Chanyeol was squatting down as his fingers played with the grass.

"I envy you, Kim Jongin," he heave a sigh.

Hana watched him with an eyebrow raised up. She doesn't know if he remembers that she can still see him because he acted like she couldn't.

Then Chen came in sight.

"Haeri, he's here!" Sehun exclaimed.

But she doesn't wake up. Her knees were painfully covered with her dry blood. She refuse to let anyone touch it. She refused strongly that no one can fought back.

"Where has she been?" Chen asked. "What had happened to her? She look - sick."

"I think she's really really tired. She's not waking up," Sehun poke her cheek. "Omo. She has fever."

"What?" Sena pushed him aside as she put a hand on her forehead to check her body temperature. "It's quite warm. We need to get her back now. It's cold here."

"That's why I can feel heat on my shoulder. Why is she so pathetic?" Kai complained. Kyungsoo hit his head once Haeri's head was being removed from his shoulder."Ouch!"

"You should watch out your mouth before I kick you outta this country," Sena warned.

"Yeah. You shouldn't say that. She's not pathetic. She's strong. She's been strong for so long that now, she starts to break apart. You know like old stuffs starting to damage by itself," Kris said. "She's not pathetic. That's what I know about her."

"Yeah," Chanyeol grinned as they let Sehun piggyback Haeri. "She's not pathetic. She's just strong and determine. It's just the world that makes her look pathetic."

Apparently, Hana and Baekhyun heard what he had said. Hana even saw how worry he looks like as he watched Haeri. And now she realized, even dead people like Chanyeol can still have a feeling of love.

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