Chapter Twenty-Six: Part 2

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A/N: Lol ..........

Regine Iman Thomas

I wanted this.

I wanted him.

Joey started to kiss me again, but more passionately than before. I found myself wrapping my legs around him. My back arched as he pressed himself closer against me.

His lips broke away from mine and he trailed kisses down to my collarbone. A moan left my mouth when he started to kiss my neck. He then broke away and removed my shirt.

When his body made contact with mine again, I felt as if I was melting into him. He was warm. I loved the feeling of his skin against mine.

Somehow in between heated kisses and soft touches, we'd managed to get the rest of our clothes off. Now I could blatantly feel him against me down there.... I took it as the perfect time to explore. I had never actually touched a guy before.

My hand trailed down and wrapped around him. Joey hissed slowly and licked his lips against my skin.

"Condom Reggie ..." he chuckled and grabbed his bag thats always on the floor near my bed pulling out one. I peeked at his size as he put it on. I wasnt scared. I was most definitely nervous. I wasn't nervous about doing this. More so, nervous about how it would feel considering the first time wasn't pleasurable at all.

After he got the condom on he got back into the position he was in. On top of me, in between my thighs.

"You positive about this Regine?" he asked me lowly. I felt the vibrations from his voice against my body and caught the chills.

"Yes JoVaughn" I chuckled slightly. He nodded and leaned down to kiss me again. Simultaneously something brushed against my center making me gasp.

"Relax Reggie" he muttered against my lips. I couldn't control the moan that slipped out when he started to move it up and down my slit.

That was, until I started to feel him push. There was alot of pleasure so I tensed. I was trying not to think about what happened to me before, but it was subconsciously clouding the back of my mind.

"I'm not gone hurt you baby relax" Joey mumbled into my ear. I let out a deep breath and nodded, relaxing my body.

My eyes watered as he pushed further into me slowly, little by little until it was all the way in. It felt a little painful, and super uncomfortable.

Joey kissed my forehead and started to move. His hips moved and I felt him slowly pushing in and pulling out of me. I grimaced at how weird it felt.

After a little while, I didn't feel anymore discomfort. A gasp escaped my lips as I felt a weird shock. Goosebumps rose on my skin.

I moaned out and my back arched of the bed.

"Oh shit" I whispered out as Joey continued to stroke into me. This was euphoric.

He was holding himself up and looking down at me. My legs locked around him when he picked up his pace. My back involuntarily arched and my hands scratched at his back as moans continuously rolled off my tongue.

It felt amazing.

"Damn..." I heard his deep voice mutter as he leaned down to kiss me. I couldn't even focus on the kiss so it was sloppy. I was too distracted by what was going on below.

He slowed down a bit and gripped my thighs but his force when he pushed in was harder. I felt him more. I felt full of him.

"Oh my god" I managed to get out in between moans. As if that was his cue, he started to speed up again. I dont know how it was possible, but it felt even better.

My breathing seemed to get choppier and choppier to the point where I felt as if I couldn't even speak. But somehow, words managed to slip out. "I love you" I mumbled breathlessly.

Joey lifted up to look me in the eyes and his strokes started to slow down. He slowed down to the point where he completely stopped. He stared at me blankly. At that moment, I wished I could take it back.

He didnt feel the same way .....

"What did you say?" he asked me, still heavily breathing.

"Nothing" I muttered ashamed. I had just made a complete fool of myself, once again.

"What did you say Regine?"

"I said I love you" I mumbled looking away from him.

He shook his head. "You serious?" he asked me. I nodded slowly, still avoiding his eyes.

Before I knew it, he pulled out of me, leaving me feeling empty. Not just physically, but in every aspect.

He pulled on his boxers and went in to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

I couldnt help it. I heaved and tears started to roll down my face. I could feel them. I counted every set as they slid down the tops of my cheeks and into my ears.

I couldnt move though. I didnt want to. But I had to, so I sat up and slipped my clothes back on. I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling.

Why was I so stupid?

After a few minutes, Joey came back and started to get dressed. I watched him, as he grabbed random things and left.

I heard the front door slam and knew he was gone.

He was gone.

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