Chapter 1: Escape the Fate

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I put my long blonde hair in a bun, and placed lab coat on. I put a plastic smile on my face, I got all the drugs they put in me out of my system, now I just have the act like them. I grabbed my purse and my clip board, along with putting my lab coat on, I just walked out the door. I got on my plain white motorcycle and drove into the fake town. White walls blocked the rest of the city from the Zones, I could only wonder what's out there. I'll find out later.

Finally arriving at the Industry, I parked my bike and pushed open the front doors.

"Morning, Dr. Quinzel." The secretary smiles at me.

"Morning." I reply, with the same smile.

I head to the elevator, it was cool and dingy. I push the button to floor three, and it lights up like a Christmas tree. I just need to get out of here. I've said that so many times, but when your trapped, you just feel like you have no hope for a while. And I've been feeling that from the years I've been here. Now, I need to make a stand - and win my freedom back.

The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts, and I just walked out, my heels clicking against the tile as I walked. Then I saw someone who I wasn't anticipating to see - Jack.

"Hey Harles." Jack said as he walked over to me.

"Just go with it" I thought to myself.

I got a little closer to him, "Hi, Puddin." We walked over to me and kissed my cheek, he never really did that before.

"Harleen, I realized what a jerk I'm being to you." He starts.

My blue eyes widen in surprise, "I never though I would see this day."

"Really? Finally noticed?" I said, a little more sarcastic than I expected.

His smile faded, and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the back room.

"This is really what you say to me, when I'm apologizing?!" Jack screams.

I was too scared to speak, until his hand collided with my cheek.

"You treat me with respect from now on, you hear me?!" He yelled. Too scared to respond, I just nodded and he punched my jaw. I held it, and crouched down in pain. He seemed satisfied, and walked out of the room, leaving me there with just my pain. I have to admit, he has done worse. One day, I couldn't even go to work it was that bad. I have to end this - I can't take any more of it.

I look in the small mirror in the room and look at my reflection. My blue eyes had tears, and my cheek was red, and my jaw was already forming a bruise. My blonde hair fell out of my bun, and was at my back. I can't anymore. I'm leaving. Now.

I fixed myself and walked out of the room, people obviously staring at my face. My heels clicked harder against the white tiled floor, the more I walked. Once I reached Pamela's room, I walked inside and she greeted me with a warm smile, but than faded when she saw my cheek and jaw.

"Harleen, what happened?" Ivy asked, worried.

"Nothing, it's fine." I responded, waving my hand like it was nothing.

She didn't buy it all, "Was it Jack?"

I stayed silent.

"IT WAS HIM!" She yelled. "You need to end this, now."

A smile crept up on my face. I got closer to her, and I was smiling like a school girl who just got asked out by her crush, "Let's escape."

Ivy smiled once again. "I strongly agree." But then she paused, "What about Jack?"

"Leave that to me, I'll be right back. Just get ready and lock the door."

I walked out of the room with Ivy doing what I told her. I went out, wanting to find Jack, I looked around for him, asking some people where he was. He was basically no where to be seen.

I walked around the building more, and then I found myself in the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. I found him looking at Killjoy's information. I picked up one of them, and his name was Party Poison. He seemed to be the leader of The Fabulous Killjoys, and I have to admit, that he was pretty cute. Bright red clown hair, but he looked good with it, paired with hazel green eyes, I'm guessing. He wore a bright yellow half mask, and used a yellow ray gun. Party was wanted by B.L.I. for years, but he's never been caught.

Keep running, Poison.

"Gotta crush on Poison, eh Harleen?" Jack's thoughts snapped me out of my thoughts.

I threw the file on the paper with the other ones. "No." I said bluntly.

"Because you love me. And me only." He smirked.

I stayed silent and looked at my feet. His smirked wiped off of his face. "You love me right?"

I looked into his blue eyes. "I-I-I don't know, Puddin. This relationship isn't the healthiest.

His eyes turned from blue to almost black. And that's when he knew, the drugs were out of my system.

"Come here, Harley Quinn." Jack said, tying to not loose his temper.

I stood in my place, feet planted into the ground.

"I said, come here Harleen." He said again, his voice getting louder. I stood still.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "You little -" He grabbed my arm, but I quickly pulled away. And I ran back to Pamela's room.

"Pamela, Pamela, we need to go. Right now." I spoke, out of breath.

She was already dressed, and had her blaster in her hand. "Okay, let's go." She said, as she passed me a ray gun.

We both ran out the room, guns in hand, and dracs behind us. My open lab coat flew with me, exposing the short pencil skirt and blouse I wore.

Pamela and I bolted to the elevator, and quickly closing it, pushing the button repeatedly. The dracs came closer, until they were holding the doors of the elevator open.

"HARLEEN!" Pamela screamed. I shot one drac holding the door, and then the other gripped me by my throat. Almost choking to death, I heard a shot, and the drac and I fell to the ground, and the elevator doors closed shut.

"OH MY GOD! HARLEEN ARE YOU OKAY?!" Pamela asked worried.

I nodded, symbolizing I was alright.

The elevator doors opened once again, revealing workers and dracs minding their own business. We ran through everyone, gaining the attention of everyone. The looked stunned, shocked and some went to call Korse. The sirens were triggered, when I opened the glass doors of B.L.I.

"HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE?" Ivy screamed over the sirens.


I reached my bike, putting the keys in.

"HARLEEN THERE'S NO KEY- oh wait the keys are on the ground." She said, as she hopped on the bike, and put the key in. "Some people are so stupid."

"LET'S GO!" I yelled.

We drove straight to the tunnel, avoiding anything in our way. We basically had everyone from B.L.I behind us. The town was filled with emotionless faces, but then shock.

It felt like days until we finally reached the tunnel. It was dark and cool, and then we saw two dracs that were guarding the gate. They then started shooting at us, they want us dead, they don't want us to get through.

They didn't move as we got closer and closer. Turns out, we have to run them over, but I don't think we have the power to break through. Best we find out.


We crashed into the gate like a sound of thunder. Both Ivy and I cheered, as we rode off into the setting sun, as a new life awaits us,

I can start over.



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