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Tobys POV
"S - Spence what did you say?" I ask sitting up.
"I'm dieing Toby."
No she couldn't be I can't loose her she needs to live and be happy.
I hug her tightly.
"Toby I'm sorry." She says to me and starts to cry.
"This isn't your fault it's mine, I shouldn't have let you leave in the first place, this is all my fault." I say.
"Toby this isn't your fault don't blame yourself please." She says crying harder. I look at her.
"I will do anything to keep you alive even if it kills me, I won't let anything happen to you." I say and kiss her forehead.
"Toby there is no way to stop it."
"I can't loose you Spencer, I can't live without you. It would be to hard." I say and it's the truth, she's my everything I needed her.
Few hours later
Spencer fell asleep a little while ago. So I carefully get up to go talk to the doctors.
"Hello Dr. Shepard, um I'm here to talk to you about Spencer." I say and his smile goes away.
"Yes Mr. Cavanaugh-"
"Call me Toby." I say inturrupting him.
Toby, Spencers condition isn't good she hasn't been doing great there are a few ways she can survive this."
"How?" I ask quickly.
"Well as you know the reason she is dieing is because of her heart. If we can find a heart that is healthier then hers. But if we do that option there is a possibility she ciuld die waiting for the heart. We could also do a very risky surgery that she could also die from. That's what I came by to tell her earlier. But we are dicharging her tomorrow. Unless you guys want to do the surgery." He says and I nod.
"Thank you I'll talk to her." I say and walk back into Spencers room. She is awake now sitting up looking at me.
"Hey." She says quietly.
"Hi" I still next to her.
"I talk to your doctor." I say and she looks disappointed.
"What did he say?"
"You can survive this. You can either wait for a heart or have a risky surgery you could die from." I tell her.
"Then I'll wait for a heart." She says.
"Spence you could die waiting for a heart." I say.
"I don't care I will wait for a heart."
"It could kill you Spencer." I say again.
"Toby either way I'm probably going to die, you know that."
I ignore what she just said because I can't handle that her telling herself she will die she is supposed to have some hope I need her to at least have hope she will live.
"You can leave tomorrow that what the doctor said, you should rest." She nods and I lay down and she cuddles next to me.
"I love you Toby." She says obviously starting to cry.
"I love you too." I say and she looks at me and I kiss her softly. She kisses me back. She falls asleep not that long after, I couldn't sleep I mean Spencer could die any moment, and I could loose her forever. I was suppose to be here for her and keep her safe and I failed. I have failed her and now she might die because of me. I couldn't keep her safe. I stayed up all night thinking.
Next morning
Spencers POV
I wake up and Toby is already up and get all of our stuff together so we could leave.
"Good morning." He says.
"Morning" I say and he hands me a coffee. I smile.
"Thank you." I drink the coffee.
"We can leave whenever we want." He says and I slowly get up off the bed and almost fall. He catches me.
"You okay?" He asks. I nod.
"I'm gonna get changed then I'll be ready." I slowly walk into the bathroom and change. He waits patiently. I leave the bathroom and put my shoes on. We then leave the hospital and get in the truck. Toby starts driving back to the barn.
"Do you think I'm making a mistake?" I ask him.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think I should get the surgery."
"I don't want to push you the decision isn't mine." He sat and continues to drive. I put my head on the window and I start to cry. He quickly reaches over and grabs my hand.
"Hey, Spence you'll be okay." He says.
"Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself." I say and he pulls into the drive way and parks. He looks at me.
"Spencer I won't let anything happen to you know mater what u will find a way to make sure you survive this.'' He says and kiss me passinately. I'm going to miss those lips. I carefully get out and walk into the barn thinking. I'm never going to be able to start and family or get married. I've barely lived my life but I was stupid enough to leave Tobys and will probably die from it. I hate how I'm going to leave Toby that will be the worse he cares so much. He doesn't deserve all this he deserves happiness. I knew I shouldn't have asked him to come back. But I don't know what would have happened if he didn't come back. Would I still be here? I don't know but I don't want to leave him.
Don't worry I hate me too. Guys thus chapter is longer. I'm proud of myself. So there r probably spelling mistakes yall know just ignore them.  Leave feedback cuz you guys know I like that. And Idk when the next time I'll update is. I'm busy so idk. But I'll try and update again this weekend. I was gonna say something else but I don't remeber I'm so forgetful ugh it's annoying.....if i remeber ill put it in the next chapter K BYE




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