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Tobys POV
I couldn't believe it she's pregnant. I couldn't be happier.
"Spence this is amazing." I say happily and hug her. She hugs me tightly. I kissed her cheek.
"We should start to unpack then we can invite the girls over and we can tell them." She says.
"Alright let's go." I say
We walk downstairs and we start with the kitchen. We unpack all the dishes and put them in the cabinets, then we put the food away. Then we go to the living room. We put the TV in and put a small table together and then we put everything else away.
"We should probably unpack our bedroom, so we have somewhere to sleep tonight." I say.
"We can do that later, I want to tell the girls." She tells me smiling.
"Okay I'll get started you call them." I say.
"Okay." She says and I kiss her head and walk upstairs.
Spencers POV
I called the girls they are on there way. I'm excited, they are going to be so happy for us. When they arrive I yell for Toby.
"This house is gorgeous." I hear Emily say.
"Maybe Toby can build me and Caleb a house." Hanna says to me.
I laugh slightly and so does Toby.
"So what did you call us for? What the bug news?" Aria asks.
Toby comes behind and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Well..." Hanna says.
I look up at Toby and he nods slightly and smiles.
"I'm pregnant." I say.
"Seriously!" Aria says happily.
I nod smiling.
"Congratulations." Hanna says and they all hug me.
"I'm so happy for you." Emily says
After about an hour of talking the all left.
"Toby I'm tired." I say falling into his chest.
"You havn't really eaten all day eat first then sleep." He tells me and I whine slightly.
"I'll make you something, anything you want." He says.
"Fine, and I want french toast." I say walking into the kitchen.
He chuckles.
"Alright then." He follows me into the kitchen and he starts to make the French toast.
After he's done we eat. Then we go into the bedroom. I look around and sigh.
"We have to unpack." I say and walk towards a box.
"No no no just sleep we can unpack tomorrow." Toby says to me.
"Okay good." I say and lay on the bed.
Toby lays next to me and wraps his arms around me I fall asleep almost instantly.
Next morning
I wake up and Toby isn't there, I look around and the room is completely unpacked. I smile and get up and go downstairs. I look around and the whole house is unpacked. I see Toby sitting on the couch.
"The house looks great." I say and he looks at me with a smile.
"Thank you for unpacking." He nods and pulls me on the couch.
"You know this house is even more beautiful now that we have moved in." I say.
"Yeah its especially beautiful now that your here." He says smiling. I feel my cheeks get red.
"You know I'm glad we are starting are family." He says.
"Me too." I say sinking my head into his chest.
Leave feedback below cuz yall know I like that. There are probably spelling mistakes ignore them again I hope you guys like this. Omg yesterday people in my grade got into a huge car accident and honestly I'm scared plz pray for them. I hope they get better. Also I have a concert tomorrow last week was band this week is choir ugh. Also a lot of you like my new book thanks for reading it to those of you who have I'm really grateful...I'M AT 5K READS OMG I WAS FREAKING OUT....I never thought that this book would get this far Thank you guys so so much I'm so glad you guys like this book.....THANK YOU.....K BYE



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