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Spencers POV
"Toby!!" I screamed while crying. I fall to my knees.
The fire department shows up quickly. I sat next to the truck crying. A cop came up to me.
"Maam?" He says.
"My husband was in that building." I say.
"Spencer." I hear a familiar voice. I turn to look and it was Toby.
"Toby..." I run into his arms.
"I thought you were dead....h-how are you here." I cry into his shoulder.
"I was checking the last room on the first floor and at the end of the hallway there was an escape door. So I left before the building blew up." He says kissing my cheek.
"Bree....what about Bree." I ask.
"Spence she wasn't in there it was a trap. A wanted to kill us." He says.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah I checked every room."
I sigh.
"I'm glad you made it out I don't know what I would've done if-" I say and he interuppts.
"Shh shh, I'm fine. Let's get out of here you need to calm down." He says.
I nod and we get in the truck.
He starts driving the long ride home. I layed down and put my head on his leg. He has one hand on the wheel and the other is playing with my hair.
Soon after I fell asleep.
The next morning
I woke up in my bed with my pajamas on. I sit up and see Toby on the phone.
"Toby?" I mumble.
He hangs up soon after.
"Spence, Tanner said they have given up the search in Rosewood." He pauses. "But they have started it in other towns because they have checked everywhere in Rosewood at least three times." He finishes.
"Toby our baby could be anywhere by now what if we never find her, she could be in a different country, it's been weeks since I've last seen her." I say.
"I know Spence, but we will find her."
He tells me." He tells me.
Tobys POV
We both lay down and Spencer puts her head into my chest. We layer there for a while until the doorbell rang. I carefully get up and walk to the door and open it. I see nobody and then I look down and there she was in a small basket it was Bree. I quickly pick her up and close the door.
"Spence get out here." I say walking into the kitchen.
I hear Spencer come quickly. I turn so she can see Bree and she starts to cry.
"Oh my god." She mumbles.
"Here take her Spence." She quickly takes her from my arms.
We gave her a quick bath and Spencer laid with her for hours. They both fell asleep. I stayed a wake to keep an eye on them. A may have given her back but I don't trust them at all. I called Tanner to call off all searches. Then I got a message. I look at my phone.
I gave you your daughter back now you have to do something for me, kill Spencer. -A
So someone told me this story isn't interesting anymore so I decided this is how it's gonna go.....hope you like and I've been updating a lot lately hope you like that.....leave feedback. There are probably spelling mistakes just ignore them....K BYE

Instagram: @tobysass

Until we meet again- Trinity🐳

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