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Spencers POV
I slept on Hannas couch last night. I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I walk over and open it.
"Good morning." It's Toby.
"What do you want?" I ask
"You." He says.
"To bad." I say and I start to close the door, but he stops it.
"Spence I'm sorry about last night, at least come and get coffee with me." He says.
"Fine." I say, I put my shoes on and walk out to the truck.
"Spencer can you just come home please." He asks and I just look at the buildings as we drive by.
"I want to be here for you and I want to be able to protect you. But if you're not at home with me or somewhere where I know you'll be safe I can't help you." He says.
"I agreed to coffee not talking." I tell him.
"Spencer please." He says parking outside the brew. I get out and he does the same.
He catches up to me and grabs my arm and he turns my body towards him. I pull my arm away.
"Just talk to me." He says.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so mad, I shouldn't have. I told you not to be alone and you weren't. I was just worried about you. The last time I went to work I didn't see you for 2 months. I'm sorry." He tells me.
I start walking away from him on the sidewalk.
"Where are you going?" He asks me.
"Away from you."  I say harshly.
Tobys POV
I follow Spencer. I step in front of her to make her stop walking. I look at her and she was crying.
"I ruined you." She tells me.
"You were happy and I took the happiness away from you." She says not looking at me.
"Spencer you are my happiness and don't ever think otherwise." I say and she hugs me.
"I'm sorry." She says crying into my chest.
"Me too babe." I kiss the top of her head. I decided we shouldn't get coffee we should just go back to the barn so I walk her to the truck and open the door so she can get in. I drive back to the barn and we go inside. I look at her ad she sits on the couch.
"We should get a real house." I tell her.
"What?" She says with a slight laugh.
"Yeah." I smile. "I mean we are technically married we need a real house. Maybe one with more then one bedroom." I say with a smile.
She smiles and I sit next to her.
"Okay then we will get a real house." She lays down and puts her head on my leg. I smile and rub her arm until she falls asleep.
Sorry guys this took me longer to update. Hope you guys like this leave feedback and there are probably spelling mistakes (as usual? Ignore them......K BYE

Instagram : @tobysass

Until we meet again - Trinity 🐋

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