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Tobys POV
It's been 2 months since Spencer was taken and we have had know luck finding her. It's all been gard, not feeling her in my arms not telling her how much I love her. I missed her more then anything.
Spencers POV
I've been in a room for a long time. I have cuts all over my body and I miss Toby. A.D. beats me all the time and it's even worse if I try to fight back. I rarely get any food or water. Just the A.D comes in.
"Please leave me alone." I shout.
They slap me across the face. I wince in pain.
"Please let me go, it's almost been 2 months." I say. Then another guy in a black hoodie comes in and they quietly talk I can tell they are both male. One of them comes over and grabs my wrist. I try to get free of his grasp I kick one of them hard and I get out of his grasp and then on of them punches me in the face and I black out.
After she wakes up
I wake up and there is a bottle of water on the table in the center. I crawl over to the table but it hurts so much.  As I was going to the table I saw something on the floor. It was a phone, it must have fallen out of one of there pockets when I kicked them. I carefully grab it and dial Tobys number.
He answers.
"Hello?" I hear his beautiful voice.
"Toby." I say breathlessly.
"Spencer! Where are you? Are you okay?" I can hear his loud truck rumble.
"I don't know." I say weakly.
"Spencer stay on the phone I'm going to see Caleb I'm gonna see if he can find your location."
Tobys POV
I quickly drive to Calebs, I couldn't believe it Spencer was alive. I'm going to find her. I run into Calebs house and explain to him what's going on he starts to track the number. As soon as he gets the location we run out to my truck.
"Spence I'm coming." I say and follow Calebs directions.
"Okay." She sounds hurt. I could tell she want okay. She was getting weaker I could hear it in her voice. Then I heard the phone. Lash to the ground.
"Spencer are you there?" I shout worried. I start driving quicker we arrive at this old building about an hour outside of Rosewood. I go inside and I keep my gun out. There were many rooms. We had no luck of finding spencer in the first ir second floor and the third floor is the last time check. We go up there carefully and I see somebody coming out of one room and when they see us they ran and they hid. We went into the room they came out if and there she was. I quickly go to her.
"Spencer...." I pick her up, she slightly opens her eyes.
"Toby." She says breathlessly and sinks into my chest.
Guys feedback below please i hope you like this ignore the spelling mistakes okay....K BYE



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