Hospital Trips

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-2 months later-
Spencers POV
Everything is going great with my pregnancy and with Toby of course.  He had left for work an hour ago. I got up walked downstairs and made a smoothie. I put mango, strawberries, pineapple, and bananas on it and in blendid  it together. I poured into a water bottle and I started to walk back upstairs. As I was walking I slipped and fell and landed right on my stomach. It hurt so so much. I could barely move. I slowly reached into my pocket and grabbed phone and I called Toby. It rings and rings and rings and he doesn't answer. I call again and it rings twice before he answers.
"Hey sorry I was doing something, what's up?" He asks.
"Toby....I fell."
"What are you okay?" He asks worried.
"I think I am but I'm not sure about the baby, please Toby I need to go to the hospital." I say.
"I'm coming I will be there as soon as possible." He says and I can hear him climb into his truck and start it.
"Are you in any pain?" He asks.
"Yes, lots." I state.
"Everything will be okay, don't worry I'll be there soon." He says and hangs up. I hear his truck pull up a few minutes later. He comes running inside and he sees me laying there and he quickly comes to me. He puts his arm around my legs and under my back, he picks me up and carries me to his truck. I was scared this is all my fault. How could I be so clumsy. He quickly gets in and drives to the hospital. When he gets there he carries me inside. He asks for an obgyn so we can check of anything happened to the baby. They bring me to a room and I lay on the bed. The doctors say they would be in, in a little while.
"I'm here dont worry babe I'm not going anywhere." He says and kisses my hand then forehead. I nod slightly.
The doctor comes in and she warns me about the cold gel that is about to go in my stomach and she starts the ultra sound. We wait to hear what she says.
"Mr and Mrs. Cavanaugh, I am sorry but you had a miscarriage. When you fell it put pressure on the babies head and it did not make it. I'm sorry for your lose. We will have to take the baby out as soon as possible. But I'll give you two some time first." She says and leaves.
I could barely breath. I started to cry I covered my face and cried into my hands.
"Toby....we lost are baby." I say and shove my face I to his chest and cry. He rubs the back of my head and kisses my head.
"It's all my fault." I cry harder.
"No its not Spence, accidents happen, don't blame yourself please." He says.
I cry harder into his chest and I never want to stop.
😭😭😭😭 I can't believe I did this ugh I hate myself. Leave feedback below....there are probably spelling mistakes.....ignore them as usual.....thanks for all the reads on the book you guys are amazing.....ignore you haven't already go check out my new story it's called Mistakes: A Spoby Story....... K BYE

Instagram : @tobysass

Until we meet again - Trinity 🐋

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