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Tobys POV
I was pacing around in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to talk to Spencer.
"Toby I think you need to calm down." Emily says to me rubbing my shoulder. I push her hand away.
"How am I supposed to calm down, my wife doesn't remember who I am!" I shout.
I kick the table and all the magazines flip off of it.
"Toby!!" Hanna yells and comes over to me and hugs me. I pause for a moment and hug her back.  I soon start to cry.
"She'll remember you, you're the love of her life." She says to me.
After about 20 minutes the doctors comes out.
"Mr Cavanaugh. " he says.
I stand up.
"She lost part of her memory, she hit her head rather hard. It may be short term and it may never come back." He says. I slightly nod.
"One at a time can go in." He then says.
"Toby you go" Aria says.
"I already did she doesn't remember me. You guys go." I say and they all take there turn going in. When they all were done they left. I walked into her room.
"Hello" she replies.
"Im-" she cuts me off.
"Toby....The girls told me." She says and I nod.
"Do you remember them?" I ask.
"How could I forget them they are like the most important thing in my life. "
She says.
I look down my eyes start to water.
"Do you remember me, at all?" I look up at her.
She looks at me.
"N-no" she says and I look away "but I want to. " I slightly nod.
"Well then how can I help?" I ask and sit in the chair next to her bed.
"Tell me things. " she says.
"Like what?"
"Like when did you realize you liked me? " she says.
"How bout love you?" I say.
"You loved me?" She questioned.
"Spence we were.....are.... married. "
She looks away for a moment.
"Then tell me when you feel in love with me. " she says.
I start explaining the whole night in the motel thing and how we had our first kiss. I explained many different stories to her but none of it seemed to help she didn't remember any of it.
"More." She says.
"No, you should probably rest." I tell her.
"Alright I will. " she says and starts to close her eyes.
2 weeks later
Spencer is getting released from the hospital.  I haven't told her about Bree so Aria is just gonna watch her for a while. I brought Spencer back to our house.  She still doesn't remember anything. I've tried so much to help her but nothing seems to be working. She has been more social with me.
She slept in the bed and I slept on the couch.
i woke up the next morning and started making french toast.
After about 15 minutes Spencer came out of the bedroom.
"Good morning ba- Spencer. " I say hesirantly.
"Morning" she says and sits at the island.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Fine." She looks at me.
"Yess?" I ask curiously.
"Why are you still trying?"
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Why are you still trying to make me remember?" She asks looking directly at me.
"Because I'm in love with you, and I'm not going to give up on you that easily."I tell her and hand her a plate of French Toast.
She slightly smiles and takes it.
"Thank you."
I nod and sit across from her.
"Anymore questions? " I ask.
"Not that I can think of." She says eating.
"Then can I ask you something?"
"Of course." She says.
"Will you um...go on a date with me? I ask "I understand if you don't I mean you don't remember me and I don't want to pressure you." I add.
"No Toby, I want to. Maybe it will help." She says.
"And if it doesnt?"
"Then maybe.....I can fall for you like I did before." She says and I slightly smile.
I FINALLY UPDATED OMG.....there's probably spelling mistakes ignore them count below what you think. I hope you like it......K BYE.


Until we meet again -Trinity🐳

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